How to Learn Divination (Somewhat) Quickly

How to Learn Divination (Somewhat) Quickly

How do you learn divination quickly? Why are some methods, tools and types of fortune-telling easier to practice than others? How can you speed up the process? Two words; animal symbolism. Learn about animals and their meanings and you can apply what you have learned to dreams and more!

Autumn Dream Meanings and Symbols

Autumn Dream Meanings and Symbols

Dreaming of fall and wondering what the meaning might be? Want to know what it means to dream of a pumpkin, scarecrow or watering can? Here are what Autumn symbols mean when they appear in different divination and fortune telling methods such as dream interpretation, crystal ball reading, tea leaf reading, and more! 

Apantomancy: Using Signs for Divination

Apantomancy: Using Signs for Divination

Not everyone knows what Apantomancy is, and yet, millions of people worldwide practice it. Apantomancy is a method of fortune-telling that uses no tools other than signs you come across. If you take ‘angel’ number sequences or white feathers to be spiritually significant, you practice Apantomancy.