What are the common signs from spirit and heaven? How can you use signs for psychic and spiritual gifts? Today, I am going to share a story with you so that you can learn how to develop your mediumship abilities and Tarot reading skills. Today, you will learn what the signs of intuitive development actually are and how you can improve its growth.
My granny hates flies. Whenever they come into the house, she swats them. When I was younger, my granddad (her husband) used to tell me that when he died, he would reincarnate as a fly to torture my granny. No joke, my granny constantly has flies coming into her home. She swats them, but they just keep coming back.
Because of my granddad's comments, I just cannot kill an insect or spider. It sounds pretty nuts, but there is a part of me that sense that it may be an ancestor, especially with certain insects such as ladybugs. I associate bugs with my granddad's side of the family, so when I see one in a strange place, that 'what if' always crosses my mind.
Gypsies are huge on omens. To us, everything is a sign. We believe the future can be read not just by divination tools but happenings in day to day life. Nothing is believed to be a coincidence; everything has happened for a reason. A sign will show if something is meant to be or not meant to be for you. Signs can be messages from the spirit world, God, or the universe. Situations going right or wrong are signs.
Seeing the same thing over and over again are signs. Anything out of the ordinary is usually a sign. Dreams and even in some cases, the weather may be signs. If you are ever lost or uncertain in life or getting nowhere, you can read the signs which will point you in the right direction.
My grandad's brother (my great uncle) owned a yard next door to my house when we were growing up. When my family's trailers weren't there, my cousins and I would go and play in the yard. The yard was always swarming with ladybugs, so I associated them with my uncle.
My uncle died several years ago. The night my uncle died, there was a ladybug in my house crawling up my daughter's bedroom door, in the dead of winter. It made me wonder, 'what if.'
A month after he died, I went for an interview at a psychic shop. The owner of the shop was a fantastic reader, and it was the first time I had ever performed a Lenormand reading, but she thought I was an expert (that's another story which is quite funny). I literally took the plastic wrap off of my cards on the bus through to my interview. Needless to say, I was crapping myself.
Unlike other readers, I don't have a spirit guide, God, or Goddess, which I pray to, so I tend to pray to my ancestors before Tarot readings. I began doing this some years ago when I had a tooth out. That day, this calm came over me in the dentist's chair, and I sat at ease. Because it worked, I started doing it every time I was nervous, including before readings.
Anyroad, back to the story. I get to this psychic shop, and the owner invites me out for a cigarette (I smoked at the time). I acted cool as a cucumber, but inside I was crapping myself. As I stood there, I started to think through my prayer to my relatives' spirits.
When the owner finished, she brisked past me, and a white feather floated in front of me onto the street. I couldn't ignore this feather; I had taken this as a sign.
I performed the reading. I don't mean to brag, but it was certainly one of my better ones. Because she liked my style and the reading was accurate, she hired me to rent a room, do events across the country, etc. You know that way where you perform a reading really well, and you dance inside? That was me that day.
On the way home, I was sitting on the bus with my UGG boots on. I looked down and low and behold a Ladybug was crawling around the rim of my boot. I snapped a picture (pictured), and it sat with me the rest of the journey. When it was time to get off the bus, it got its little wings ready and flew out of the window.
This may sound crazy to other people, but I know my relatives were there that day helping me out with my reading like they do all of the time. I understand the concept of signs may be a bit difficult for people to grasp, but working with signs can greatly enhance your life. The first step is establishing a sign.
The ladybug on my shoe.
Intuitively, you will know it is a sign when you see one. It is the kind of thing which makes you say, "That's odd." When you're sent a sign, there will be a part of you that will click because your spirit will sense it has gotten confirmation for your body. The important thing to remember is that signs are personal;
- They may hold special significance to you, as above with my uncle and the ladybugs.
- They keep reappearing. When I was growing up, I kept seeing rainbows during important events in my life. I had begun photographing these rainbows before I realized they were sent to me by a relative.
- They have cultural significance to you. You may associate a particular sign with your ancestors.
- They can be confirmed by a medium. A psychic medium may tell you to look out for a sign, and then you begin to notice that sign is everywhere.
- You just like something. You have a draw or a fascination towards something for unexplainable reasons (I was a bit like this with the rainbows).
Once you establish a sign is significant to you, be prepared to begin to see it everywhere! Try asking for a sign or for reassurance and see how you get on.
In general, working with signs is a ‘safe’ way to connect with spirit because it doesn’t require any of possession style interference or so-called ‘linking.’ All that you have to do to develop this way is to notice the messages spirit sends you in the outside world, and as you do, the spirits will gradually make themselves more known to you.
If you would like to know more about how you can improve your psychic abilities by following signs, feel free to check out my course, The Psychic Course. As a student of The Psychic Course, you will discover how you can work with signs, link with spirits, and gain confidence as a psychic reader in only 21-days. Feel free to check it out.
Alternatively, you can download my free Spiritual 101 Guide on this website. Through this guide, you can learn more about symbol meanings, spreads, reading techniques, and more. You can download that here:
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Art: Working with signs for psychic development. Photography shows the types of things you’ll see when increasing your abilities (such as white feathers, rainbows and butterflies). If you want to be a medium and give readings, you have to first work with your spirits or guides and this illustration is the firsts step. You will see these symbols doing the day, night and even in your dreams.