Future Tarot Meanings - Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords is someone who cares deeply about conflict and causing trouble. The Queen of Swords represents a female in your life who is meaning to cause you problems. Usually, this woman thrives on drama and conflict and wants nothing more than to interfere in your business, love life, and personal relationships. You may or may not already know her identity. The card serves as a warning that she could one day potentially become a powerful influence. 

In some Tarot card decks, the Queen of Swords is called the Mother of Swords. However, the Tarot card meaning of the Mother of Swords and the Queen of Swords is the same.

Sometimes, the Queen of Swords can be an omen for bad things to come. For example, she could represent you during a period where you are feeling lonely. She can mean that you will become divorced or widowed before your time.

In a Tarot card reading, the Queen of Swords in a spread can be a symbol of someone who is independent, lonely and divorced. This post includes a vintage and modern fortune telling meanings of the Queen of Swords, ideal for the advanced reader or th…

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Although the Queen of Swords is an overly negative card there will be times when she appears as a positive. For example, she is likely to come up when you need to adopt her attitude.

The Queen of Swords is very direct and to the point. While she may come across as being quite bitchy and aggressive, those around her know where they stand. Perhaps there are individuals in your life who like to walk all over you, and you need to grow a backbone. Channel the Queen of Swords and tell them straight.

If the Queen of Swords appears as a course of action you should take, then she advises that you need to be more independent and walk your path alone.

The Queen of Swords Love Tarot Meaning

Like the other Sword Courts, I would argue that the Queen of Swords is rarely a desirable card to receive for a relationship reading. If you are wondering someone's feelings towards you, they don't look good. 

I would read the Queen of Swords as a female who is trying to impact your relationship negatively. Sometimes, this can be an ex, but I have found that it is often a mother, mother in law, or another female relative. If she appears in the outcome position, this can mean one of two things;

1. You will separate from your partner because of her.

2. She will be a consistent problem within your relationship for the foreseeable future.

(If you would like more love Tarot meanings for the Queen of Swords, check out the Love Tarot Meanings E-Book).

The Queen of Swords Feelings Tarot Meaning

If you're reading on what your lover or past lover feels about you, the Queen of Swords is not favorable; it can mean that they view you as cold and not the loving type. They do not see you as the type of person whom they would want to settle down with. 

The Queen of Swords Future Tarot Meaning

Like the other Swords Courts, the Queen of Swords can represent another person who will interfere in your relationship in the future. Usually, this individual will be a mother or mother-in-law. 

A more sinister interpretation for the Queen of Swords is that she symbolizes you in the future. This can mean that you will be divorced young, widowed before your time or that you’ll suffer from fertility issues. 

The Queen of Swords Business & Career Tarot Meaning

Queen of Swords Tarot card meaning for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, positives, negatives, and more. Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck

Because of the nature of the card, it is not a frequent occurrence to see a Queen of Swords in a business Tarot reading. Usually, the Queen symbolizes relationship and family issues, not so much anything related to career. Therefore, if a Queen of Swords appears in a career reading, I am inclined to think that it means you must be more independent.

Although the Queen of Swords is associated with loneliness, she is also a symbol of autonomy. The Queen does what she wants when she wants. She plans her moves logically. For a business Tarot reading, I would say that her clever and independent traits are an attitude you should adopt for your company.

The Queen of Swords Yes or No 

General - For most things, the Queen of Swords is a no in yes or no Tarot readings. 

Do they like me? - No, they do not view you as loving or understanding. 

Am I pregnant? - No, you are not pregnant. 

Is this relationship going to last? - No, your relationship will not last. 

Does the future of this look promising? - No, the future of this does not look promising. 

Am I going to reconcile with my ex? - No, there is not going to be a reconciliation with your ex. 

The Queen of Swords as a Negative, Weakness or Obstacle

In a negative reading, the Queen of Swords can indicate someone who is lonely. Although you often come across as cold and detached, you want to love and be loved. There is a part of you that misses human affections. 

Also, the Queen of Swords will pop up as a negative if you have someone in your life who is cruel for no reason. This individual likes to hurt others and meddles in other people’s affairs (including yours). According to Tarot tradition, this woman is likely infertile, divorced, widowed, or has gone through menopause.

The Queen of Swords as a Positive, Strength or Advantage

In a positive Tarot reading, the Queen of Swords can indicate someone who is independent. If the Queen of Swords symbolizes you in a positive, strength or advantage position of a Tarot spread, this means that you do not need the approval or company of others. You are a survivor, and you can make it on your own. 

Your directness is also a benefit. You do not beat around the bush and are straight to the point. Because you have the confidence to say what you think, in the future, you will attract people who know they cannot walk all over you. 

That’s all for the Queen of Swords. In my weekly newsletter, I share Tarot tips and teach Tarot readers like you how they can connect with their angels. Join today (for free) and grab your copy of Spiritual 101:

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    Art Illustration: In a Tarot card reading, the Queen of Swords in a spread can be a symbol of someone who is independent, lonely and divorced. This post includes a vintage and modern fortune telling meanings of the Queen of Swords, ideal for the adv…

    Art Illustration: In a Tarot card reading, the Queen of Swords in a spread can be a symbol of someone who is independent, lonely and divorced. This post includes a vintage and modern fortune telling meanings of the Queen of Swords, ideal for the advanced reader or those just learning the cards. These interpretations can be used with any of the decks (Rider Waite, Marseilles etc).

    Lisa Boswell Hendry

    I am an award-winning spiritual teacher. Her websites are visited by over 1 million people every single year. Her book, The Modern Oracle, was an Amazon best-seller and was published by Hachette.