The meaning of the Two of Wands Tarot card is that it symbolizes teamwork partnerships. The Two of Wands is a peculiar card, and I read it with two distinct meanings. On the one hand, it shows predicts that you will be unhappy with your achievements. On the other hand, it represents riches and successful partnerships: I am going to explain both meanings here.
Most Tarot readers interpret the Two of Wands as a card of enterprise. It is typical to have projects, plans, and business on your mind when this card appears.
Tarot Twos often symbolize cooperation, a step away from the loneliness of the Ace. You could find yourself in a new business partnership very soon. There are contracts to be signed and money to be counted. Success is on the horizon.
Because it symbolizes good partnerships and achievements, the Two of Wands has many positive attributes. If it appears as a plus for you, this means that you have other people around you willing to lend their assistance. However, there will be times when it appears in a ‘negative’ or ‘challenge’ position; in these instances, the Two of Wands stands for discontent.
Although you will achieve the things you want, this success could leave you feeling unfulfilled. The design on the Rider-Waite-Smith deck suggests an emperor who is looking out from his palace, longing at what the world has to offer despite having the world already in his hands. The Two of Wands is, therefore, ultimately a warning that your goals and wishes may not turn out to be all that they are cracked up to be once you have achieved them.
Two of Wands Love Tarot Meaning
In loving relationships, the Two of Wands can have a rather positive meaning, especially if it appears in a future or outcome position. In these cases, it basically means you work well together, and the relationship has a chance of survival.
However, I am inclined to think that a Two of Wands in a romance Tarot reading can also mean that you will eventually bore of your lover: this is especially true if you’re the one who is doing all of the chasing. You may think they are a prize just now, but once you get to know them, your excitement will wear off. That’s not to say the relationship will not last, but be mindful that it is not going to be unicorn farts and kitten giggles every day.
(If you would like more love Tarot meanings for the Two of Wands, check out the Love Tarot Meanings Guide.)
Two of Wands Feelings Tarot Meaning
If you’re curious as to what someone is feeling towards you, the Two of Wands means that they see you as a potential partner. The dynamic of your relationship is sound. However, in this context, the Wands suit can usually mean that they are caught up with other commitments even if you are interested in a relationship.
When the Tarot reading appears negative, or you and your lover have issues, the Two of Wands means that your relationship works for practical reasons, but there is something missing in your relationship. You and your partner would work well together as friends than you do as lovers.
Two of Wands Future Tarot Meaning
The Two of Wands is a favorable card to receive in future or outcome positions of a Tarot spread. In these cases, the Two of Wands represents success in the future - it is an excellent card to receive for business and career matters.
In love readings, the Two of Wands will pop up in future or outcome positions to predict that you and your lover will work well together in the future. However, once the excitement of the chase wears off, you could realize that your fantasy does not match the reality.
Two of Wands Business & Career Tarot Meaning
In a career context, the Two of Wands can serve as both a good outcome and a warning, depending on the type of nature you have.
Are you the type of person who is a lone wolf who would never consider collaborating with anyone else? If so, you’re in the shit. The Two of Wands is pretty much screaming that you must find a partner to work with; otherwise you’re not going to progress very far anytime soon.
Collaboration can be as simple as you posting a guest post on someone else’s blog or appearing on their podcast. Or, you might have to work closely with someone else. In any event, the Two of Wands is telling you that you must use other people’s platforms to get where you need to go
Two of Wands Yes or No Tarot Meaning
General - The Two of Wands is a yes, especially if the question involves people other than yourself.
Do they like me? - The Two of Wands is a sign that yes, this person likes you, but they may view you as more of a friend than a potential lover.
Am I pregnant? - I would not usually interpret the Two of Wands as being a pregnancy card, so I am inclined to say no, you are not pregnant.
Is this relationship going to last? - Yes, this relationship is going to last for the foreseeable future, but that does not mean that you are going to be as happy as you think that you will be.
Does the future of this look promising? - Yes, the future of this looks promising, and success is on the horizon (even if victory will not be what you expect).
Am I going to reconcile with my ex? - You and your ex will reconnect as friends, and this will allow you to become lovers again. The Two of Wands is telling you that your ex is going to come back into your life but aim for a friendship first as this will make reconciliation more likely.
Two of Wands as a Negative, Weakness or Blockage
When the Two of Wands appears in a negative, weakness, or obstacle Tarot spread position, this means that you will be discontent with your achievements. Although you will achieve the things you want, you will not be happy. You are about to learn that the grass is not always greener on the other side.
In some cases, the Two of Wands will pop up as a negative in a Tarot spread if you cannot work well with other people. There may be cases when you have to work with others, even when you are not enthusiastic about doing so.
Two of Wands as a Positive, Strength or Advantage
When the Two of Wands appears in a positive, strength or advantage Tarot spread position, this means that you will work well with other people. Collaboration is on the horizon - this will lead to you using other people’s platforms so that you can reach more people.
Although you may be a little discontent with everything you have achieved, the Two of Wands in a Tarot reading is a sign that you will see success. Not only will your hard work pay off, but you will have other people who will share your workload.
That’s all for the Two of Wands Tarot card meanings! In my weekly newsletter, I share Tarot tips and teach Tarot readers like you how they can connect to their angels. Join today (for free) and grab your copy of Spiritual 101:
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Illustration: In a Tarot card reading, The Two of Wands in a spread can be a symbol of partnerships. This post includes vintage and modern fortune telling meanings of the 2 of Wands, ideal for the advanced reader or those just learning the cards. These interpretations can be used with any of the decks (Rider Waite, Marseilles etc.)
Two of Wands love meaning
Two of Wands meaning
Two of Wands yes or no for love