Accurate Bear Meanings and Combinations

Do you want to know the meaning of the Lenormand Bear card? Are you curious about what the Bear combinations might be? Here is how to read the Lenormand Bear card! Includes Bear meanings for love, timing, as a person, and more!

Bear - 15

Keywords: Authority figures, bosses, parents, personal finances, strength, power, heavy, lifestyle, force, bears or places where bears are common.

Troubleshooting The Bear

Before we get into the Bear meanings and Bear combinations, make sure you have the basics down! This is especially true if you’re struggling to interpret the Bear card.

Firstly, I recommend you make sure that you have a good Lenormand deck that is not too busy or complicated. As of 2024, I am loving the Grand Tableau Lenormand. You can grab it on Amazon here.

Also, if you’re really struggling to interpret Lenormand combinations, I recommend trying to learn some adjectives associated with the cards. Some adjectives associated with the Bear card are strong, powerful, protective, dominant, assertive, influential, reliable, robust, nurturing, stable, bold, commanding, wealthy, authoritative, and motherly.

Improve Your Lenormand

Did you know that your zodiac sign is not your only planetary sign? You also have a moon sign and your moon sign has a monumental impact on both your intuition and how you interpret cards. You can take an amazing free quiz and download your free report here - it is a total game changer!

General Bear Meaning

There are several interpretations the Bear. The Bear can either represent an authority figure, your physical fitness, or your personal finances. The meaning of Bear is mostly dependant on your question or combinations. Don’t worry you will know the right definition to use when you see it!

It is typical for Bear to be a female authority figure. However, I do not really like this interpretation because I think of males as being Bears. None the less, there has been the odd time I have used this meaning with success so possibilities shouldn’t be written off. In general, I read the Bear to represent any authority figures, not just females. If you have a male boss, they will appear as a Bear.

Sometimes personal finances will manifest as the Bear. If you’re is in business, Bear will symbolize money in your current account and Fish will symbolize the money in your business bank account. 

Some readers read the Bear as representing a lifestyle. If you are making changes to your health and fitness Bear will pop up. You will pull the Bear if you have recently signed up for the gym. This card can also serve as a warning for you to take better care of your health.

As with all Lenormand cards, Bear has a literal interpretation which is that of a real life bear. In addition to this, you can also read the card as signalling places where bears are common. As a matter of fact, I once saw the Bear as representing Canada when a client of mine emigrated there.

Specific Bear Meanings

Bear Love Meaning: I have found that Bear can mark the interference of family members in your relationship. 

Bear Career Meaning: Bear can symbolize your boss and the impact they have on your life.

Bear Business Meaning: Bear (and what it is combined with) will reflect the impact that your business is having on your personal finances. If you have staff, Bear will show what kind of authority figure you are. 

Bear Positive Meaning: For positive readings, Bear will represent authority figures who are a favorable influence on you.

Bear Negative Meaning: For negative readings, Bear will represent authority figures who are a bad influence on you.

Bear as a Person: Bear usually represents a parent (typically a mother) or a boss. Bear can also symbolize a person who works in forests or woodlands. In gay culture, the term ‘bear’ is used for a large, hairy men. In general, Bear will represent someone who is strong or overweight. 

Bear Timing Meaning: The event in question will take place in fifteen months, weeks, days, or on the 15th of the month. Because Bears are associated with hibernation, the Bear can mean that first you must rest before events unfold further.  

Lenormand Bear Combinations

I do not recommend that you memorize these card combinations. Their purpose is to let you see what is possible when it comes to combining Lenormand cards. The best way to learn is to practice with your own Bear combinations and see what you can come up with! However, if you get stuck, you can always refer to this list:

Lenormand Bear Combinations

Bear and Rider Combination: Arrival of a new authority figure; Dominating the news; Forcing yourself to visit; Powerful person visiting you; Visit from your mother.

Bear and Clover Combination: Authority figure brings luck; Finding exercise fun; Not taking your lifestyle more seriously; Protecting the light, non-serious parts of a situation.

Bear and Ship Combination: Foreign bosses; Accumulating travel points; Traveling to places where there are bears; Forcing yourself to move on.

Bear and Home Combination: Your parents; You as a parent; Dominating your surroundings; Forcing yourself to be comfortable in a situation; Hibernating in your house.

Bear and Tree Combination: Head of a family; Your ancestors; Empowering your family; Forcing something which should come naturally.

Bear and Clouds Combination: Powerful confusion; Protecting your mindset; Empowering someone who is not as emotionally strong as you. 

Bear and Snake Combination: Strong enemy; Forceful enemy; Being led towards infidelity; An affair with a boss. 

Bear and Coffin Combination: Unhealthy lifestyle; Forcing something to end; Exercising to the point that it harms your health. 

Bear and Bouquet Combination: Gift for your parents; Ruling with a velvet glove, iron fist; Protecting someone (or something) that is beautiful. 

Bear and Scythe Combination: Death of a voice; Protecting a medical professional; Accumulating multiple warnings. 

Bear and Whip Combination: Arguments among authority figures; Being forceful and aggressive; Exercising through pain. 

Bear and Birds Combination: Chit-chat with authority figures; Lunch with the boss; Empowering people through social media; Motivational speakers. 

Bear and Child Combination: Elder’s child (such as an aunt, uncle, etc); Dominating innocent people; Protecting children. 

Bear and Fox Combination: Career in the health and fitness industry; Dominating the fitness industry; Protecting your career interests. 

Bear and Stars Combination: Promotions; Promoting yourself as an authority in your field; Empowering others to display better judgement. 

Bear and Stork Combination: Pregnant authority figure; Forcing change; Lifestyle changes. 

Bear and Dog Combination: Powerful allies; Accumulating support; Protecting your friends. 

Bear and Tower Combination: Head of state (Kings, Queens, etc.); Forcing authority; Forced to be alone. 

Bear and Garden Combination: Rubbing shoulders with important people; Empowering your community; Exercising in open and public places. 

Bear and Mountain Combination: Lifestyle becomes a problem; Dominating any obstacles in your path; Protected mountains. 

Bear and Crossroads Combination: Authorities make choices; Exercising outdoors; Walking for exercise; Protecting your options. 

Bear and Mice Combination: Health scares serve as powerful motivators for fitness; Collecting something which is bad for you; Lifestyle causing your health to deteriorate. 

Bear and Heart Combination: Heart health; Cholesterol levels; Domineering lovers. 

Bear and Ring Combination: Commitment to a healthy lifestyle; Protecting your commitments; Empowering people you’re committed to. 

Bear and Book Combination: Secret authority (such as a secret shopper); Collecting secrets; Protecting your secrets; Collecting books; Collecting knowledge. 

Bear and Letter Combination: Signing contracts; Partnering with powerful people; Collection of letters. 

Bear and Man Combination: Strong man; Cuddly man; Protective man.

Bear and Woman Combination: Health-conscious woman; Powerful woman; Hibernating woman.

Bear and Lily Combination: Older man with influence; Polar bears; Protective older person; Collecting snow.

Bear and Sun Combination: Rising above peers; Protecting your success; Exercising successfully.

Bear and Moon Combination: Reputation for hard work; Dominating your industry; Powerful reputation.

Bear and Key Combination: Important matter; Important influence; Collecting keys.

Bear and Fish Combination: Money from parents; Protecting your investments; Accumulating money. 

Bear and Anchor Combination: Stable influence; Collecting beach objects; Empowering yourself results in a stable life.

Bear and Cross Combination: Too overweight; Weight causing pain; Lifestyle causing pain; Collecting religious objects.

Concluding The Lenormand Bear

Have you received a Bear combination in your Lenormand reading? Do you resonate more with the ‘authority figure’ meaning or the ‘strong’ meaning? You can check out more Lenormand card meanings and combinations below!

And don’t forget to check out your Moon sign and claim your free report. I know my ability to interpret the Bear card’s meanings and combinations drastically improved once I worked with my natural abilities. I even learned I had a super rare placement only found in gifted psychics! Click the button to discover what makes you unique:

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Lisa Boswell Hendry

I am an award-winning spiritual teacher. Her websites are visited by over 1 million people every single year. Her book, The Modern Oracle, was an Amazon best-seller and was published by Hachette.