Multiple Knights in a Tarot Reading

What does it mean when you receive multiple Knights in your Tarot reading? If you have recently performed a reading and you have received lots of Knights there is a special significance to this. Here, I am going to explain the meaning of four, three, or two Knights in one Tarot reading! 

Knights usually symbolize young men or individuals in their late teens to early thirties. I read a reoccurrence of Knights as representing situations that you will be involved in that will be typical of a Knight. 

With the above interpretation, my own experiences, and historical resources from the 19th century in mind, I am going to explain the significance behind receiving this combination. 

Multiple Knights in a Tarot Reading: Four Knights in a Tarot Reading 

As four Knights represent young men (or women for some people), then four Knights can predict a situation which you will be in with lots of Knights around you. Therefore, I often interpret four Knights quite negatively as it can sometimes symbolize time spent in prison. 

Clearly, when applied to a love, then the above interpretation can mean that the four Knights in your reading means that you or your lover may be incarcerated; this will have an impact on your relationship. Alternatively, it can predict that you will begin a relationship with someone in prison. 

If four Knights appear in your business or career reading, the interpretation is not that bad. In career-focused reading, four Knights mean that you will work with prisons, psychologists, criminologist or local authorities as part of your work. The exception, however, is if you’re involved in any illegal activity; if this is the case watch out! 

Lots of Knights: Three Knights in a Tarot Reading 

Four Knights, Three Knights, Two Knights in a Tarot reading

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According to A.E. Waite, the creator of the Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck, historically, three Knights in a Tarot card reading predicts ‘lively debate’. Personally, I read this to mean that three Knights in a Tarot card reading symbolizes debate and discussions, but not necessarily arguments. 

In love readings, three Knights in close proximity can mean that you and your partner are well-matched on an intellectual level. You have the same mentality and can disagree without hostility. Your relationship is a solid one due to your mutual interests and love of debate. 

For business and career readings, I would take three Knights in your reading as representative of the fact that you will have to defend your viewpoints, expertise, and systems for doing things in your industry. You will have to stand by your convictions with regard to your career. 

Some Knights: Two Knights in a Tarot Reading 

I have personally found that two Knights in a reading usually means that you will bump into individuals you have not seen in a long time. While Pages can represent friends you have only recently met, Knights are more indicative of childhood friends. 

In relationship Tarot readings, two Knights can mean that you and your lover will meet each other’s long time friends. If your romance is serious and you have already become acquainted with each other’s friends, then the two Knights simply represent outsiders (who are old friends) who have some level of impact on your relationship. 

Finally, in business and work-related readings, I am inclined to say that two Knights in your Tarot reading means that you will begin to work with people from your past. For example, you might hire an old friend, or one may start a position at your current place of employment. 

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    Concluding Knights in a Tarot Card Reading 

    That’s all for what it means when you receive lots of Knights in your Tarot card reading! Do you love or hate the Knights? If you hate the Knights, feel free to check out more Knight Tarot card meanings below. 

    Articles Related to Multiple Knights in a Tarot Reading 

    Lisa Boswell Hendry

    I am an award-winning spiritual teacher. Her websites are visited by over 1 million people every single year. Her book, The Modern Oracle, was an Amazon best-seller and was published by Hachette.