Accurate Ring Meanings and Combinations — Lisa Boswell

Accurate Ring Meanings and Combinations

Do you want to know the meaning of the Lenormand Ring card? Are you curious about what the Ring combinations might be? Here is how to read the Lenormand Ring card! Includes Ring meanings for love, timing, as a person, and more!

Ring - 25

Keywords: Commitments, proposals, engagements, promises, relationships, contracts, rings, jewellery.

Troubleshooting The Ring

Before we get into the Ring meanings and Ring combinations, make sure you have the basics down! This is especially true if you’re struggling to interpret the Ring card.

Firstly, I recommend you make sure that you have a good Lenormand deck that is not too busy or complicated. As of 2024, I am loving the Grand Tableau Lenormand. You can grab it on Amazon here.

Also, if you’re really struggling to interpret Lenormand combinations, I recommend trying to learn some adjectives associated with the cards. Some adjectives associated with the Ring card are committed, binding, loyal, enduring, contractual, faithful, connected, cyclical, ongoing, unified, harmonious, reciprocal, long-term, promised, and significant.

Improve Your Lenormand

Did you know that your zodiac sign is not your only planetary sign? You also have a moon sign and your moon sign has a monumental impact on both your intuition and how you interpret cards. You can take an amazing free quiz and download your free report here - it is a total game changer!

General Ring Meaning

The Ring is pretty straightforward. Obviously, it is the card of commitments. If you are waiting on a marriage proposal, Ring means you will get one. If a relationship is brand new, the Ring just means that your new partner is committed to you, but if the reading is overly negative they may be committed to someone else!

In most cases, it speaks of a promise of some type. For business, it can symbolize a partnership. If you are not self-employed, it is the card of contracts so you can expect a new job or a change in position (sometimes the Ring will be an offering of some type).

It goes without saying that Ring can be a real ring or a piece of jewelry. Have you ever seen those necklaces with Clovers in them? The Ring plus Clover card would be the perfect combination if you want to get specific!

Specific Ring Meanings

Ring Love Meaning: In a love reading, Ring represents commitment, possibly even marriage, a baby or engagement. Ring can also mean that the next person you date will be wanting to settle down with you.   

Ring Career Meaning: Ring shows that you are committed to your job and that the company you are working for is invested in you. If you are searching for employment, you will find it soon.  

Ring Business Meaning: Often, Ring will manifest as business contracts.  

Ring Positive Meaning: Ring is usually pleasant as it predicts serious commitments and valuable objects.  

Ring Negative Meaning: In a negative reading, Ring will appear when you are in a relationship or commitment which you do not want.

Ring as a Person: Ring can symbolize a committed person, or someone who is committed to another person, a married individual, an engaged person, or a contract worker. 

Ring Timing Meaning: Ring can mean that something is going to be an on-going commitment – you will have to work at this, and your situation will not end soon. Sometimes, Ring is associated with the number twenty-five, so it can symbolize an event that will take place on the 25th of the month or in twenty-five days. 

Lenormand Ring Combinations

I do not recommend that you memorize these card combinations. Their purpose is to let you see what is possible when it comes to combining Lenormand cards. The best way to learn is to practice with your own Stars combinations and see what you can come up with! However, if you get stuck, you can always refer to this list:

Lenormand Ring Combinations

Ring and Rider Combination: Commitment to a sporty person; Committing to a message; Chain-mail; Promising to act better.

Ring and Clover Combination: Charms; Charm bracelet; Committing to being more fun; Binding to an opportunity.

Ring and Ship Combination: Contract for a holiday; Promise to a stranger; Promising to move in the right direction; Committing to moving on.

Ring and Home Combination: Mortgages; Links to your house; Links to your home town; Connecting to your surroundings.

Ring and Tree Combination: Promises made with family; Connecting to nature; Committing to your health; Commitments which come with patience.

Ring and Clouds Combination: Commitments designed to confuse you; Link to a cloud; Committing to thoughts.

Ring and Snake Combination: Commitment to a deceptive person; Promise to a mistress; Divorce or separated unit; Chain of rivals.

Ring and Coffin Combination: Contracts coming to a natural end; Swearing to coroner; Promise of someone from your past; Connect to an undertaker.

Ring and Bouquet Combination: Proposal; Binding to traditional values; Enclose of invites; Promising make-up artist.

Ring and Scythe Combination: Sudden end to a contract; A division unit; Promising to a soldier; Linking tools.

Ring and Whip Combination: Repeated commitments; Committing an assault; Unit of a research; Binding discipline.

Ring and Birds Combination: Promises someone makes online; Link to Social media; Connect with a blogger; A networking chain.

Ring and Child Combination: Short-term commitment; Child marriage; Promise of a child; Swear in innocence; Encircling a baby. 

Ring and Fox Combination: Unexpected clause in a contract; Original unit; Commit of a theft; Binding to job.

Ring and Bear Combination: Contract with an authority figure; Enclose personal finances; Promising to mother.

Ring and Stars Combination: Perseverance which pays off; Committing to divine dreams; Swearing to the universe.

Ring and Stork Combination: Baby for a couple; Connecting with a foster parent; Commit a metamorphosis; Swearing to change.

Ring and Dog Combination: Unwavering loyalty; Swear of confidants; Promising to friends.

Ring and Tower Combination: Contract with an organization; Binding law; Committing to traditions.

Ring and Garden Combination: Commitments declared in public; Link to an event; Promise in public.

Ring and Mountain Combination: Long-term commitment; A promising skier; Encircling mountains; Connectivity limits.

Ring and Crossroads Combination: Commitments that are flexible; Enclose a map; A promising adventure; Connecting trail.

Ring and Mice Combination: Warning to read the fine print in a contract; Commit of a sabotage; Encircling the mice; Chain of loss.

Ring and Heart Combination: Marriage; Swear of love; Committing support; Promise of a lover.

Ring and Book Combination: Secret commitment; Commit to education; Enclosed cards.

Ring and Letter Combination: Contracts; Enclosing of the invoices; Link to PMs; Connecting to emails.

Ring and Man Combination: Engaged man; Committed man; Lined man.

Ring and Woman Combination: Committed woman; Married woman; Contracted woman. 

Ring and Lily Combination: Agreements made in wintertime; Commit a retirement; Promising to a veteran; Binding to constancy.

Ring and Sun Combination: Agreements made in the summertime; Committing to idealism; Promise of an optimist; Swear on holidays.

Ring and Moon Combination: Reputation for reliability; Emotional binding; Connect with a celebrity; Commit to a talent.

Ring and Key Combination: Heirlooms; Enclose the keys; Importance of commitment; Connect with a key marker. 

Ring and Fish Combination: Expensive ring; Linking to a commercial; Financial binding.

Ring and Anchor Combination: Long-term commitment; Binding standards; Committing to stability; Connect with a settler.

Ring and Cross Combination: Commitment that is meant to be; Swearing to priest; Chain of challenges; Binding by necessity. 

Concluding The Lenormand Ring

Have you received a Ring combination in your Lenormand reading? Do you resonate more with the ‘commitment’ meaning or the ‘jewellery’ meaning? You can check out more Lenormand card meanings and combinations below!

Don’t miss the chance to uncover your Moon sign and claim your free report! Understanding my Moon sign helped me tap into my natural abilities, completely changing the way I interpret the Ring card meanings and combinations. I even discovered I have a rare placement associated with gifted psychics! Click the button to reveal the unique strengths written in your stars.

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Lisa Boswell Hendry

I am an award-winning spiritual teacher. Her websites are visited by over 1 million people every single year. Her book, The Modern Oracle, was an Amazon best-seller and was published by Hachette.