You probably ended up here after navigating through Google or social media, searching for interpretations of Tarot cards, especially those related to love. This isn't your first stop; you've visited numerous blogs, consulted various books, and explored more sources than you'd care to acknowledge.
Yet, you still haven't found the right Love Tarot meanings that resonate with your situation!

💘 Spend your days (and nights) searching for Tarot card meanings, only to end up more confused than when you started?
💘 Do the meanings you find seem irrelevant to your circumstances?
💘 Do you get frustrated because your interpretations never provide a clear answer?
💘 Do you leave your readings feeling even more lost instead of gaining clarity?
💘 Do you perform love readings more often than you know you should, just throwing down the cards and hoping they'll magically manifest Prince Charming? Unlikely, but you're still optimistic.
“My friends and family love love love for me to do love readings for them now! Thanks to this E-book so easy to use and easy to understand and most importantly makes you a better tarot love reader. The main benefit was learning to perform love readings in a way that was understandable and accurate for me and my client. You learn soooooooo much in this one E-book! Most people want to know about their love life and if that special someone is returning. This E-book will help you to answer any and all questions related to love for your clients. I'm so happy I stuck with Lisa's E-books to help me become the Tarot Reader I am today, I still have much to learn which is why I will be purchasing her probably all of her courses...she is just that good at this! Thank you Lisa!!!” Whitney @BeautyAndThe Soul
Hi there! My name is Lisa Boswell Hendry, and I've been reading Tarot cards for as long as I can remember. Ever since I got my first deck, I've been obsessed with understanding the meanings of each card. (You can probably relate!)
The first few card meanings came easily to me. The Ace of Cups? Easy. The Fool? Too simple. The Ten of Swords? Brutal but straightforward. I had these meanings down before I even opened the little purple book that came with my deck.
However, I ran into a problem. There were certain cards that were extraordinarily difficult to interpret. Even worse, there was another group of cards I could interpret for almost everything—except love readings. But that didn't stop me from trying!
Like all Tarot readers, whenever something went wrong (or right) in my relationships, I would pull out my Tarot cards. Inevitably, the cards I found hardest to interpret for love readings would show up in every spread. I became convinced they were stalking me as some sort of sick joke.
I had a lot riding on these readings. To me, my destiny was on the line! What if I moved on when there was a chance at reconciliation? What if that guy turned out to be a weirdo? What if my lover never texted me back, leaving me unprepared for a life filled with nothing but cats and Tarot cards I could hardly interpret?
😭 Every time I performed a love reading, I just couldn't interpret these cards! 😭
How did I turn it around? I got better at interpreting Tarot card meanings. With many years of practice, diligence, and a whole lot of research, the card meanings began to click for me. Over time, I developed my own personal reference for what each card means in different situations, such as love, business, and relationships.
Eventually, I published my Tarot card meanings on this website. Now, the site sees around half a million hits every month from hundreds of thousands of diviners searching for interpretations.
However, that was only half of the story. I realized that many diviners, like yourself, struggled to interpret cards for their love readings. You feel too close to the situation and too invested in the outcome to be able to read your cards and apply them to your current relationship status. The card meanings you have found so far are okay but do not speak directly to your situation. Trust me, you’re not alone.
The vast majority of Tarot card readers who visit my site are here for love meanings, just as I used to buy books and search the internet looking for answers. So, what did I do? I wrote the ultimate Love Tarot Meanings reference guide...
Reviews by Stacy at Tarot Pugs

Introducing the Love Tarot Meanings E-Book!
Outlining what every tarot card means for 15 spread positions!
The Love Tarot Meanings E-Book is your answer to all your burning love questions. If you want to confidently and accurately interpret your cards, this e-book is for you! Ready to stop Googling love meanings? Then grab a copy of the Love Tarot Meanings e-book.
Life after owning the Love Tarot Meanings e-book means you'll be able to interpret Tarot cards for the most common love spread positions effortlessly. You'll never have to search for what the High Priestess, Ace of Pentacles, or any other Tarot card means for relationship readings again. Not only that, but you'll also gain insights into the best course of action and the future of your partnership.
Purchasing this e-book is as simple as it gets. Just click on the big red button and check out as you would with any physical product. Within minutes, you'll receive an email with your e-book. If you have any issues with your purchase, you can email me directly at lisa@divinationandfortunetelling.com, and I’ll handle it personally.
“Thanks to this e-book I developed a better understanding of how to read some of the more neutral cards (such as Judgment and High Priestess) in readings, what they mean in positive/negative/outcome/feeling etc. positions. From feelings to negatives/positives to environment to outcomes, it addresses everything you could ask in a love reading. I would 100% recommend it.”
Mina from Feathersea Love Tarot
The 170-Page Love Tarot Meanings e-book includes interpretations for:
♥️ The past of your relationship.
♥️ The present of your relationship.
♥️ The future of your relationship.
♥️ Positives that keep you and your lover together.
♥️ Negatives that drive you and your lover apart.
♥️ How your partner/potential partner feels about you.
♥️ How you feel about your partner/potential partner.
♥️ What your friends, family, and peers think about your relationship.
♥️ Outside factors that are harming your romance.
♥️ What you should aim for in a lover.
♥️ What you should avoid in a lover.
♥️ Your greatest hopes.
♥️ Your biggest fears.
♥️ The course of action you should take to sustain your relationship.
♥️ Anything about your love life that is unknown or kept a secret from you.
For the cost of a standard 30-mintue love reading you can have all of these interpretations at your fingertips, forever, without having to be at the mercy of another Tarot card reader!
Prices are in GBP and converts automatically. You can purchase from anywhere in the world. Price is approximately $32 USD
Your Questions, Answered!
Q. “Why should I buy now”?
The time is going to pass you by anyway. If you do not get love clarity today, you’re just going to perform another reading, and then another reading, and never get an answer. Are you not as well as having your guide sooner rather than later?
Q “What type of support do you offer”?
If you struggle to download your e-book or have any trouble, I can help you out! Just shoot me a message at lisa@divinationandfortunetelling.com (my personal email), and I will get back to you ASAP! However, I do not offer support in terms of personally interpreting your spread for you (that is what the e-book is for!) You can see my purchasing terms here.
Q. “DO I need a computer”?
No! The Love Tarot Meanings e-book can be downloaded on mobile, computer, or tablet.
Q. “There are so many Tarot books available, why should I invest in this one”?
There are thousands of Tarot books, but there is not another Tarot guide that offers so much information on love readings. The Love Tarot Meanings e-book is the only resource you can invest in, which will give you interpretations for the most common relationship questions, spread positions, and areas of interest. You will never find another reference like this one!
Q. “I am Convinced, where can I get my e-book”?
You can grab your copy of the Love Tarot Meanings e-book below!
Prices are in GBP and converts automatically. You can purchase from anywhere in the world. Price is approximately $32 USD
“I wanted to improve my readings with my tarot decks and to do so I wanted to understand better every card by having a deeper meaning of the cards. After reading this e-book, I understood a lot better each card and I even learnt new meanings. The main benefits were the price and also the language used to describe the cards, it's simple and easy to understand. I would highly recommend it if the person wanted to know the meaning of the cards” Kae @kae.att