Some struggle reading the mounts on their palms because the mounts do not appear directly below the fingers, but between the fingers, or even, take up two fingers: these instances are known as merged mounts. (If you don't have merged mounts, check out our 'Palmistry Mounts for Beginner's' post!)
Merged mounts usually have positive meanings, usually related to success. In general, merged mounts take on the good interpretations of both mounts.
Merged mounts can appear to take up a small space (between one finger) or can cross into multiple fingers. Mounts which are merged have their own special meanings, so I am going to outline how to interpret them here!
Image showing the location of mounts which appear between the fingers, known in Palmistry as merged mounts.
Jupiter/Saturn Mount
If you have a Jupiter/Saturn Mount you will be highly determined. Whatever your goals are, you will do what it takes in order to achieve them, in all areas of your life. However, you also have a realistic outlook which keeps you grounded: you don’t just fantasise, you create.
Mainly, you are driven because of your family. You do not want success for selfish reasons; you want to share your gains with your loved ones. You feel as though it is your duty to take care of everyone around you.
When you’re in a relationship, you like to surprise your partner with gifts. It is not that you believe that love is shown with material things; you just want to see the smile on your lover’s face. You are very loyal to those you love.
With regards to work and career, you’re a real go getter. You’re confidant and remain cool under pressure (even though the pressure does get to you)!
Obviously, there are negative associations with a Jupiter/Saturn Mount. You can be loyal to a fault. You also have a habit of taking on responsibilities which are not your own and integrating them into your life. Also, you can look down on people who are not as hard working or passionate as you are.
Saturn/Sun Mount
If you have a Saturn/Sun Mount, there is a good chance that you will have what it takes to achieve a large amount of success in your life. You will get the things you want on your own terms. Those with a Saturn/Sun Mount usually end up running their own businesses as they generally do not like making money for others!
When you are in relationships, you like to take the wheel. You feel as though it is your duty to influence your partners into doing things your way, because you think you know best. When you fall in love, you image you and your lover to be a power couple.
You most likely run your own business, which will have a creative element to it. If you are in a job which you feel restricts your lack of freedom you will feel trapped and depressed.
Although a Saturn/Sun Mount is rather positive, there are negative aspects to it. You secretly like to be the leader and the centre of attention: you use your wits to influence people. You think your words should be final. These aspects of yourself may be a prominent feature in your life or may only come out every now and then, causing conflict in your life.
Sun/Mercury Mount
Those you have a Sun/Mercury Mount will be natural born speakers and influencers. You can talk yourself in and out of any situation imaginable. There is the possibility that these aspects of yourself will never be realised to your full potential but, trust me, they are there!
When you are in relationships, you have to communicate your feelings. If your lover is angry at you and refuses to speak, you find this unacceptable. You will not take no as an answer and must talk through your conflict. Nothing drives you more crazy than a lover who is ignoring the phone to you because they’re upset!
If you run your own business, you shine on social media. You can easily gather a following of devoted fans. With a Sun/Mercury Mount, you may even run your business entirely online one day or start a business in the communication sector.
Don’t run your own business? Then you would do well in the tech sector. You would also shine if you were in a position which meant you were influencing others. You would make a fine politician, lawyer or journalist.
In palmistry, there are negatives to having a Sun/Mercury Mount on your palm. You analyse others and can easily speak to them, however, you’re not very good at listening. You launch into a conversation with an agenda to get people onto your side. You only put other people’s feelings first if they are airing their criticisms of you and harming your ego and reputation. Therefore, although you like building communities there are many selfish aspects to your personality.
That is all for the meanings of the mounts in Palmistry and palm reading! If you’re interested in divination, you can download my free Spiritual 101 Guide on this website! This guide is 100% free and downloadable on any device or computer. You can grab it here:
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Image explains palmistry merged mount meanings, written by Gypsy fortune teller. Learn what it means to have mounts between you fingers and the impact this has on your future. This post and illustration teaches psychics how to read the future in the mount markings before you read the lines! – Divination and Fortune Telling