Lots of Court Cards in a Tarot Reading

It has happened to everyone. You’re sitting quite happily, shuffling your Tarot cards,  performing your Tarot reading. You lay them out, flip them over on the table and suddenly, you’re hit with ten Court Cards!

Art Illustration lots of Court cards - What does it mean to get lots of Court Cards in a Tarot card reading? What if your spread is many or mostly all people cards? Is it low probability? Here are the meanings and in.png

Many readers would welcome ten Major cards, many wouldn’t bat an eyelid if they got only Minors but Court Cards are different. They’re scary and special. So what does it mean? What does it mean when you get mostly Court Cards in a Tarot reading?

Over my many years of reading Tarot and performing Tarot readings, I have come to realize that getting lots of Courts Cards in your Tarot reading can mean a couple of things. Whichever of these explanations fits your reading obviously depends on the mood of the reading and which one you feel applies to you most. 

1. You’re Going to Make Tons of New Connections

Sometimes, if you have pulled lots of Courts Cards it can mean that you are going to soon be meeting lots of new people and forming connections. How this happens could be dependent on the Court Cards you have received.

For example, many Pages can mean you will soon find yourself in further education or taking a course of some type and you will meet the Pages this way. Many Queens and Kings can predict that you will take a step up in your career and make important new contacts. Receiving lots of Knights in a reading can represent anything from joining clubs and organizations to spending time in prison.

However, sometimes you will find that the Court Cards are evenly split or contain a mixture of Court Grades. If this interpretation applies to you, then you will be very busy and all of the above meanings could be relevant.

In June 2014, I did a reading where I pulled all Court Cards. I can vividly remember it was a Celtic Cross and I got four Kings, three Queens, one Knight and two Pages (that is a lot of Courts!). Within the next year I had won my Tarot award (Young Tarosophist of the Year), joined organizations, taking courses to improve my business etc. And obviously met lots of people along the way. 

2. Other People Will Offer their Assistance

Similarly to the above meaning, getting lots of Court Cards in a Tarot reading can mean that there will be people coming into your life who will want to help you.

Anyone who has ever achieved anything great knows that the fastest way to the top is to enlist people to help you. If you want to hit goals quickly you must find a support network.

What does it mean when you get too many Court Cards in your Tarot reading? Your spread lacks majors and minors but mostly people Cards. Here’s some tips for possible meanings when you’re learning. It can reveal that other people love to have influen…

The many Court Cards in your Tarot reading can represent the people who are willing to lend you a hand so that you become successful. The personalities of the Court Cards will be the players in your game.

3. Some Things can be Controlled, Some Things Can’t

When I read Tarot, I always look at the proportions of Tarot cards first and interpret them differently. Doing this relies on using a bit of probability and it is a technique I use often.

If I see a lot of Majors, I read this that the outcome of a situation is mostly in the universe’s hands. What is going to happen is meant to be and the person getting the reading just has to go with it.

If I see mostly Minors in a reading, I take this to symbolize that the outcome of the situation is in the seeker’s hands and can be easily change. The future is dependent on how the seeker acts and what they do. 

Court Cards are somewhere in-between: not quite destiny, not quite free will either. Having a lot of Court Cards in your reading can mean that there will be some things you can control but others which will be completely out of your hands. Your cards aren’t quite ready to reveal what you can change and what you cannot, hence the confusing Court Cards.

4. You’re Playing a Role in Someone Else’s Destiny

Similarly to the point made above, getting too many Court Cards in your reading can mean that you are about to play a major role in someone else’s destiny. You may be be the one who holds the key to helping somebody get the things they want.

5. You’re too Easily Influenced by Others

I have saved the best for last because I have found this to be the most common reason why there are mostly (or all) Court cards in your Tarot reading.

Those who get too many Courts in their Tarot readings are usually too easily influenced by other people. You may allow others to make decisions for you and let them control your life. Its always about what they want not what you want.

You allow your happiness to be based on the happiness of others around you. You get too wrapped up in whether or not a guy texts you back, what you boss thinks, how your parent’s perceive your actions. Other people’s mood will greatly affect your day.

Because you’re too easily influenced by other people, your reading isn’t really about you. The Court Cards appearing in certain positions (or all of the positions) are showing you which person will have the greatest influence over that area of your life. For example, a King of Swords in ‘negatives’ means the King of Swords character in your will not help you. A Page of Pentacles in the outcome position means that person decides the future of a situation and so on.

Its not always easy to tell why it is you have received lots of Court Cards in your Tarot reading: it may even be a mixture of the reasons above. Whatever the reason, all will be revealed in due time but remember to record your reading for future reference. 

That’s it for the court cards! If you’re interested in learning more about Tarot, below, you can join my newsletter where you will receive weekly Tarot tips. You will also instantly access my free Spiritual 101 Guide. Get your copy and join our community here:

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    Cheat sheet illustration showing what does it mean when you get too many Court Cards in your Tarot reading? Your spread lacks majors and minors but mostly people Cards. Here’s some tips for possible meanings when you’re learning. It can reveal that …

    Cheat sheet illustration showing what does it mean when you get too many Court Cards in your Tarot reading? Your spread lacks majors and minors but mostly people Cards. Here’s some tips for possible meanings when you’re learning. It can reveal that other people love to have influence on the question. Record what you think in your journal for future reference. Cards used are the Wild Unknown Tarot - Divination and Fortune Telling

    Lisa Boswell Hendry

    I am an award-winning spiritual teacher. Her websites are visited by over 1 million people every single year. Her book, The Modern Oracle, was an Amazon best-seller and was published by Hachette.