Wondering how to use oracle cards? Would you like to learn how to read an oracle card deck for love readings, connecting with angels etc? I am going to show you the art of reading these beautiful cards, how to connect with spirit for readings, a quick Oracle card spread and teach you how to journal on your session.
So, you would like to learn how to use oracle cards? Before we begin, I should say that the advice I am going to give you here will work with all types of Oracle cards; Doreen Virtue, Energy cards, Goddess cards, Homemade cards, the sky's the limit!
The cards featured above are by Black and the Moon.
In the UK, Oracle cards are huge. I would go so far to say they are more popular than other forms of cartomancy (card divination) such as Tarot, Lenormand or playing cards. For many people, Oracle cards are their 'gateway' form of divination; it is the type of readings they discover first which leads to other forms of fortune telling.
Oracle cards were not my first form of divination, but I am still happy to have found it, even by accident. I was 17 and had bought them by mistake when I was out shopping for a new Tarot deck. Despite my initial disappointment when I got home and realized they weren't Tarot cards I kept them and still use them to this day.
Since then, I have amassed a collection of Oracle card decks. At one point, I used them for client based readings. After I had finished giving my predictions, I would pull an oracle card to reinforce the advice I have gave my seeker.
Nowadays, however, I only use them for personal readings. Since I now do most of my face to face readings with Lenormand cards, I feel like a Grand Tableau is enough to cover all of the basis. Therefore, I only use Oracle cards for myself.
I find myself pulling an Oracle in the morning while I am getting my daughter ready for school and waiting for her to get out of the bathroom. I am not religious about my routine in the sense I have to get my 'card of the day' fix, I just like to see what type of energy I should bring to the day.
The spread which I do is one which was actually shown to me in my dreams by a dead relative. In the dream, he told me that if I was ever doing a card reading on myself, I was to pull two cards and lay them as shown. These two cards represent advice from the spirits:
A super simple oracle card spread which you can use for any type of reading.
If you want to try this spread, I recommend that first, you connect with the spirits around you. Spirit is there all of the time, and they will link with you for your readings, it just takes a bit of practice and pulling Oracle cards every day can give you this.
If you are worried about linking with spirit because of possession, don't; it is not easy to become possessed. You do not have to worry because you are not linking with strange spirits but the spirits of loved ones who are watching over you and protecting you in life. In a way, you are already communicating with them all of the time even if it is in a subconscious manner. Reading Oracle cards means that now you are going to ask them for help deliberately.
To perform a reading, first sit in meditation for a couple of minutes. Meditation means nothing more than trying to still your mind and think of nothing (it shouldn't be difficult or unnatural).
Next, when you feel relaxed, ask the spirits around you to give you guidance while you work with your Oracle cards. You may feel a physical sensation which makes it hard to relax, such as an itch on your face or the feeling of a grab of your hand; this is good! This means that spirit is making themselves known to you. You will notice that next time when you perform readings, you will get the same 'signal' telling you that you're ready to do business.
After a few minutes (not too long or your ass gets sore) you can perform the reading. First, decide if you want to perform a general or non-general reading. General readings, are readings where you do not ask a question, you just pull cards. So, if you want to do a card of the day, all you do is pull a card or several cards and read the outcome as 'general' advice. Or, if you want to do a specific reading (non-general) you ask about an area of your life. For example, "What do I need to know about my love life." Even if you are just learning how to read Oracle cards, I recommend that you try both styles so that you can get used to 'flexing' card meanings to fit different scenarios.
Shuffle your cards with your question in your mind. If you do not have a question, then hold the intention of uncovering the greatest good for you.
These oracle card tips apply to all types of decks, including The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit pack featured in this post.
You will know when the right time to lay the cards out is, because you will either get a heavy sensation in your hands, or you will become hyper-aware of the card's presence. Do not get too caught up on the 'right' time to draw though; you will always pull the right cards for you at the right time.
Once you have laid your cards out, record your advice. It is best if you write down what comes to you at the time before referring to the booklet. The want to train yourself to trust your intuition before relying on the the book which comes with your cards. Read the book after you have written down your first impressions.
If you're new to divination, I recommend you write your interpretations down in some type of diary or journal assigned for that purpose. Recording your readings is a good way to train your intuition into organizing your thoughts in a more structured fashion. You can also begin to see patterns in what times of days, card decks, even weather affects your divination. Things you may want to keep a record of include: spreads, card decks, the date, where you were, astrology, incense, rituals, weather, mood, dreams you had that night, among other things; you can get creative!
Another piece of advice I give people who want to learn how to read Oracle cards is this; do not pull too many cards at once. Picking too many cards can give you information overload because Oracle cards were designed specifically for giving advice. And if you're given too much advice, you're less likely to take it!
If you would like to know more about how you can improve your reading abilities feel free to check out my course, The Psychic Course. As a student of The Psychic Course you will discover how you can work with signs, link with spirits and gain confidence as a psychic reader in only 21-days.
Finally, if you’re interested in divination, especially Tarot, you can learn more about card meanings with a 100% free Spiritual 101 guide which I have on this website. This guide includes the meanings of every Tarot card. You can grab that guide here:
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Illustration: So, you would like to learn how to use oracle cards? I am going to show you the art of reading these beautiful cards, how to connect with spirit for readings, a quick spread and teach you how to journal on your session. The advice I am going to give you here will work with all types of Oracle cards; Doreen Virtue, Energy cards, Goddess cards, Homemade cards, the sky's the limit!