The Six of Swords is the card of movement. When this card makes an appearance, you can be guaranteed that you are about to make a move in some area of your life. The Six of Swords can also predict travel away from or towards conflict.
The Six of Swords always predicts movement and obviously this can be literal. You will get out of your hometown and go somewhere a bit different. Traditionally, it is said that those who receive the Six of Swords will travel by or close to water, typically in boats. However, with the invention of airplanes now-a-days this card may just mean a trip in a plane to a foreign country.
Sometimes the Six of Swords can just predict movement towards a goal or desired outcome. You are making progress even if you do not feel as though you are; keep the faith, things are happening even if its very slowly. For cards with a specific question, the symbolic interpretation of progress often applies.
However, in general predictive readings (readings without a question ) the Six of Swords tends to represent real travel not something symbolic like emotional movement or what ever. The Six of Swords mostly predicts travel whether that is for business, pleasure or with a loved one.
The Six of Swords is obviously a positive card. In fact, I would say that it is probably the best card you can receive from the Swords suit. With that being said there will be times when it appears as a negative.
The Six of Swords can appear as a negative when something is progressing in a way which you did not like or expect. Once you get the things you want you will realize that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Therefore, the 6 serves as a warning to keep you options open. The Six of Swords can also predict travel which you do not enjoy.
Six of Swords Love Tarot Meaning
In general, the Six of Swords can predict that you will travel with a partner. This could be something as major as a house move but could also just be a holiday. If the Six of Swords has landed in an outcome or future position, this could mean that one of these situations could give you and your partner a much needed fresh start.
If you are wondering whether an ex will come back and you pull a Six of Swords, then it doesn’t look likely that they will - your ex has moved on with someone else. On a lighter note, the Six of Swords is telling you that one day, you too will heal and move on. Your Tarot cards are trying to convince you there is better things out there.
(If you would like more love Tarot meanings for the Six of Swords, check out the Love Tarot Meanings E-Book)
Six of Swords Feelings Tarot Meaning
If you’re wondering what a potential partner’s feelings are towards you do not worry; the Six of Swords is sign that they are moving in the right direction. That’s not to say that they’re head over heels in love with you just yet but it looks like they are heading that way. Their feelings are evolving.
The Six of Swords Future Tarot Meaning
If the Six of Swords has appeared in the future of your relationship reading, this can mean that you will get the opportunity to travel with your lover. In the future, the two of you will visit exotic places.
In Tarot, The Six of Swords can also stand as a metaphor for the future of your partnership. In the future, you and your lover will either move closer together or drift further apart. Time will tell more about the fate of your relationship.
Six of Swords Business & Career Tarot Meaning
If you have been working super hard on a project and are beginning to loose faith, don’t because the Six of Swords is a sign that the end is near. Soon you will be able to see the progress you have made even if you do not feel that way yet.
The Six of Swords can mean that you will travel for business. Also, you might have more success in a different area, district in country; this is a common interpretation. Expand your horizons and see where that leads you.
Six of Swords Yes or No Tarot Meaning
General - If the question is about developing something or travel then the answer is a yes. For most other types of questions, the Six of Swords is pretty neutral.
Do they like me? - Their feelings are evolving.
Am I pregnant? - Traditionally, the Six of Swords is not read as a pregnancy card. However, I sometimes do read it as a card of conception due to the fact that it can often represent motion (or pregnancy) sickness.
Is this relationship going to last? - That depends - the relationship is evolving. If it looks as though you’re moving in a positive direction then yes. If you and your partner are drifting further apart, then the answer is no.
Does the future of this look promising? - There will be developments which will turn out to be in your best interests.
Am I going to reconcile with my ex? - Not for the foreseeable future, but you will move on with someone new. Soon, you will stop hurting over your ex.
Six of Swords as a Positive, Strength or Advantage
In a positive reading, the Six of Swords can predict travel, trips abroad and holidays which is obviously good news for most people, especially if you are the adventurous type.
Alternatively, when the Six of Swords appears in a positive, strength or advantage spread position this means that the matter at hand is moving in a more reassuring direction. Also, more information with regards to this matter is on the horizon.
Six of Swords as a Negative, Weakness or Blockage
In a more negative reading, the Six of Swords can predict progress which you did not welcome and changes which you did not ask for. Not everyone likes it when a situation develops or evolves - if the Six of Swords has appeared as a negative, weakness or blockage in a Tarot spread, this can indicate that you are this type of person.
Sometimes, the Six of Swords will pop up as a negative as a warning that the grass is not greener on the other side. You may achieve the things you want but that’s not to say that it will be as rosy as you imagine.
That’s all for the Six of Swords. In my weekly newsletter, I share Tarot tips and teach Tarot readers like you how they can connect to their angels. Join today (for free) and grab your copy of Spiritual 101:
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Art Illustration: In a Tarot card reading, The Six of Swords in a spread can be a symbol of movement and travel. This post includes a vintage and modern fortune telling meanings of The 6 of Swords, ideal for the advanced reader or those just learning the cards. These interpretations can be used with any of the decks (Rider Waite, Marseilles etc).