Future Tarot Meanings: Five of Cups

The Five of Cups is the Tarot card meaning sadness. With the Five of Cups, you will find yourself in a rather negative place. During this time, you will be feeling a bit sorry for yourself and be confused about what your next move should be.

Typically, the Five of Cups makes an appearance during breakups. While these will be difficult at first, the card promises that there are other lovers out there, which will be better suited to your personality. Notice how on the Rider-Waite-Smith card design there are cups left standing? This symbolizes the fact that your life is not over after this particular failure.

Sometimes, the Five of Cups can predict feelings of general doom and gloom. The cards are telling you that, if you feel depressed, you need to seek the help of people who understand; don’t try to battle these feelings alone.

Work, business, and projects usually fail the first time around, and the Five of Cups reflects this energy. While this may seem bad at first, try not to dwell on what you have lost and look at the valuable experience you have gained. 

Historically, (pre-Rider-Waite-Smith), the Five of Cups could represent inheritances. It is for this reason that the Five of Cups is a card of loss. Some Tarot readers still interpret the Five of Cups as representing physical death. 

Although the Five of Cups is often a card associated with failed marriages and romantic relationships, if this meaning does not apply to you, it can represent strained friendships. Sometimes, the Five of Cups can represent family feuds. 

With the Five of Cups, all is not lost. There will be something salvageable from the endings you have experienced. You may get a second chance at what you have lost or, if that doesn’t look likely, at least you would have learned lessons for the future. The universe likes people who try.

Five of Cups Love Tarot Meaning

From its basic interpretation, the meaning of the Five of Cups is pretty obvious; the future and outcome of your relationship do not look good. The Five of Cups is one of the typical ‘break up’ and heartache cards. 

Because the Five of Cups historically represented inheritances, it can mean that all is not lost, and there will be something for you to gain out of this situation. In the future, you are going to look back and see how this break-up opened doors for you. 

Finally, when it does not symbolize a separation, in relationship Tarot readings, I often see the Five of Cups as a card which predicts regret. You will do things within your relationship, which you will wish you could take back. 

(If you would like more love Tarot meanings for the Five of Cups, check out the Love Tarot Meanings e-book) 

Five of Cups Feelings Tarot Meaning

Are you curious to know what someone is feeling about you? The Five of Cups can reflect the fact that this person has a depressive mood. They may be so stressed and wrapped up in themselves that they’re not interested in giving any energy to anybody else just now.

When you are already in a relationship, the Five of Cups can mean that this person has considered separating from you. That is not to say that they will go through with their plans, but leaving you has crossed their mind. 

Five of Cups Future Tarot Meaning

In general Tarot spreads, I would use the historical interpretation for the Five of Cups - you are going to get an inheritance in the future. Do not worry as this inheritance may not come from someone you are close to; it could come from a relative you have never even met. 

There is no getting around the fact that the Five of Cups often represents failed relationships in the future. If you feel that this is a possibility, prepare yourself. 

Finally, as stated earlier, sometimes the Five of Cups will appear in the future to indicate that there will be a wedge in your family or friendships. For now, do not pick a side but try and stay neutral until you know all of the facts. 

Five of Cups Business & Career Tarot Meaning

The career interpretation for the Five of Cups is pretty clear. This Tarot card reflects abandoned projects and scrapped plans. What once looked nice and promising is now down in the dumps.

Alternatively, the Five of Cups can be a sign that you allow your mood to dictate energy which you put into your career or business. You may struggle with consistency. If this sounds like you, your Tarot cards are urging you to find meaning in your work instead of looking at it as one more thing to be down about. If you are not happy in this career, then perhaps its time to find a new one?

Five of Cups Yes or No Tarot Meaning

General - Unfortunately, the Five of Cups is a no for most types of Tarot readings.

Do they like me? - No, they do not like you. Part of the reason why they do not like you is that they are so wrapped up in themselves. 

Am I pregnant? - No, you are not pregnant. 

Is this relationship going to last? - No, this relationship is not going to last. 

Does the future of this look promising? - No, the future of this matter does not look promising. 

Am I going to reconcile with my ex? - No, your ex is not coming back, and they will not return for the foreseeable future. 

Five of Cups as a Negative, Weakness or Obstacle

Five of Cups Tarot card meaning for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, positives, negatives, and more. Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck

When the Five of Cups appears in a negative, weakness or obstacle Tarot spread position, this means that can predict death. It is not always the case that the Five of Cups predicts physical death, but it does happen. 

In most cases, the Five of Cups will pop up to represent the failure of a relationship or career path. These setbacks can impact different areas of your life in ways that you do not expect. 

Finally, sometimes, the Five of Cups can just represent a depressive mood and a pessimistic attitude. Negative thinking can cause you not to see the positive. Negativity can also attract more sadness into your life, hence why it would appear as an obstacle. 

Five of Cups as a Positive, Strength or Advantage

When the Five of Cups appears in a positive, strength or advantage Tarot spread position, this means that you are going to receive an inheritance. In some cases, the Five of Cups will appear as a positive if large sums of money are going to be gifted to you after you experience a loss. 

However, it is more likely for the Five of Cups to symbolize the fact that you will learn from your mistakes. After you have gone through a painful situation, you will have valuable experience, which will help you to navigate similar situations in the future.

That’s all for the Five of Cups Tarot card meanings! In my weekly newsletter, I share Tarot tips and teach Tarot readers like you how they can connect to their angels. Join today (for free) and grab your copy of Spiritual 101:

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    Five of Cups - Love Meanings

    Illustration: In a Tarot card reading, The Five of Cups in a spread can be a symbol of separation. This post includes vintage and modern fortune telling meanings of the 5 of Cups, ideal for the advanced reader or those just learning the cards. These…

    Illustration: In a Tarot card reading, The Five of Cups in a spread can be a symbol of separation. This post includes vintage and modern fortune telling meanings of the 5 of Cups, ideal for the advanced reader or those just learning the cards. These interpretations can be used with any of the decks (Rider Waite, Marseilles etc.)

    The Five of Cups Tarot card meaning with the Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck. Focuses on love. The Five of Cups Tarot card usually signifies heartbreak and relationship problems, but can also suggest eventual gains from the situation. It may also indicate future regrets within the relationship. In relationship readings, it can reflect a partner's depressive mood or contemplation of separation.

    The Five of Cups Tarot card meaning with the Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck. Focuses on feelings. The Five of Cups represents sadness and confusion. It is often associated with breakups, but can also predict general feelings of failure or loss. However, it also suggests that there is still something salvageable from the situation and that valuable experience can be gained. Seek help from those who understand and don't battle negative emotions alone. The card reflects the idea that first attempts may fail, but there may be opportunities for future growth and second chances.

    The Five of Cups Tarot card meaning with the Rider Waite Smith Deck. Focuses on love questions. Do they like me? - No, they do not like you. Part of the reason why they do not like you is that they are so wrapped up in themselves. Is this relationship going to last? - No, this relationship is not going to last. There will be a lot of heartache in the future. Am I going to reconcile with my ex? - No, your ex is not coming back, and they will not return for the foreseeable future. Even if they do return, this will be short-lived - this person will cause you nothing but emotional pain.

    Lisa Boswell Hendry

    I am an award-winning spiritual teacher. Her websites are visited by over 1 million people every single year. Her book, The Modern Oracle, was an Amazon best-seller and was published by Hachette.