Future Tarot Meanings: Six of Cups

The Six of Cups is the card meaning the past. When the Six of Cups makes an appearance in a spread, it predicts that something from the past will resurface in the present or future.

“Is my ex coming back”? It is a common question for Tarot readers to ask their cards. When the Six of Cups pops up, you confidently can predict that yes, they will be back. The Six of Cups is a good sign that an ex will return because this is the card of the past repeating itself. Therefore, if you’re asking this question, pray for the Six of Cups Tarot card! 

The Six of Cups is a good card if you wish to expand your family. This interpretation comes from the fact that old memories from our childhood can resurface once we have our own responsibilities. If you long for a child of your own, then the Six of Cups is a good omen.

There will be times when the Six of Cups can symbolize the house you grow up in, your home town, or country. The relevance this has to your reading will depend on the context of the question.

Although for many people, the card is positive, it is generally a very neutral card; it can be positive or negative depending on the context. Although there will be things from your past which you welcome in the present, there will obviously be issues, conflicts and people which you would rather forget. Therefore, the Six of Cups can foretell of old dramas coming back to haunt you.

Often, that which is made in the past is often forgotten; the paint off of old benches fade away when left outside to rot. The Six of Cups can mark the point in time when something you hold dear starts to vanish. Sometimes we lose that which we love, not because of what we have done but what we have not done. The Six of Cups can serve as a warning not to let what you have faded away because of neglect.

Six of Cups Love Tarot Meaning 

As mentioned above, the Six of Cups is the most desirable card you can receive if you’re wondering if an ex will come back into your life. Therefore, if you are performing a spread on this and the Six of Cups comes up, congratulations! 

In some cases, the Six of Cups can be a warning that you’re living in the past. You view your lover as they used to be, not as they really are. If your relationship has recently gone downhill, the Six of Cups is a sign that you must take your partner as they are in the present, not as they were in the past. 

(If you would like more love Tarot meanings for the Six of Cups, check out the Love Tarot Meanings e-book) 

Six of Cups Feelings Tarot Meaning

Discover the Six of Cups Tarot card meaning for love and relationships. Learn the meaning of the Six of Cups for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, pos…

Are you curious about whether someone has feelings for you? Or, are you wondering what their motives are? I’m sorry to say, but the Six of Cups doesn’t look too promising; this card can mean that they’re still hung up on their ex. While you may be able to turn their head towards you, know that you are competing with the one who got away. 

Six of Cups Future Tarot Meaning

In most types of Tarot readings, the Six of Cups will appear in an outcome position of a spread to represent an ex-lover coming back into your life. 

If you do not feel that you have any exes who would come back, the Six of Cups can represent old friends or lost family members re-emerging in your life. I recommend that you give them the benefit of the doubt and try to build new bridges, but do not be naive. 

I would say that the Six of Cups is an okay card to get in the outcome part of a love Tarot reading. In this situation, it means that, at least for the foreseeable future, your relationship will be consistent with how it is in the present. The same old, same old is fine if your partnership is going well, but if it is not, then you might want to make an effort to improve it.

Finally, in a lot of cases, the Six of Cups can symbolize times when you reflect on your childhood. For these reasons, the Six of Cups is a good Tarot card to indicate pregnancy and children. Alternatively, it can just mean that you will return to your old childhood home or town. 

Six of Cups Business & Career Tarot Meaning

The Six of Cups is a rather bizarre and confusing card to receive for business and career-related Tarot readings. Obviously, it can symbolize the fact that you will return to something you used to do previously. However, I have found that it can represent a bit more than that.

The Six of Cups can come up in Tarot readings as a message not to repeat past mistakes. If your business has previously been unsuccessful, the Six of Cups are telling you that nothing will change unless you let go of the behaviors which aren’t serving you. If you are feeling stuck, hire a professional who can help you with the area you’re struggling with.

Six of Cups Yes or No Tarot Meaning

General - The Six of Cups is a neutral card predicating neither a yes or a no. The exception is if you are asking if your ex-lover is going to come back or if you’re going to return to an old job/career - if this is the case, then the answer is yes. 

Do they like me? - If you have known them since childhood, yes they like you. If you have not known them since childhood, their feelings are neutral. 

Am I pregnant? - While Tarot is not a substitute for medical advice, I often take the Six of Cups, as a card that represents children. 

Is this relationship going to last? - Your relationship is going to last for now, but that is not to say that it is going to last into the more distant future. 

Does the future of this look promising? - The future of this matter appears to be promising, especially if you have learned from your past mistakes. 

Am I going to reconcile with my ex? - Yes! The Six of Cups is the card that predicts lovers coming back. The Six of Cups is a good card for exes returning and reconciliations. 

Six of Cups as a Negative, Weakness or Obstacle

Six of Cups Tarot card meaning for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, positives, negatives, and more. Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck

When the Six of Cups appears in a negative, weakness or obstacle Tarot spread position, this means that the past is going to repeat itself. If you have bad memories of the past, the Six of Cups will appear as a negative. The Six of Cups can symbolize that it will come back to haunt you. 

The Six of Cups can also pop up as an obstacle to symbolize the fact that you are living in the past. If this sounds like you, Tarot is recommending that you move on with your life. 

Six of Cups as a Positive, Strength or Advantage

When the Six of Cups appears in a positive, strength or advantage Tarot spread position, this means that something from the past is going to reignite. This card is favorable if you want a lover to come back. You are going to get a second chance. 

Sometimes, the Six of Cups can just represent a past passion reigniting. You are going to go back to something you previously loved (art, painting, etc.), and it is going to feel good. 

Finally, as indicated previously, the Six of Cups is a favorable card if you want children. The Six of Cups can represent time spent with children and reflection on your own childhood.

That’s all for the Six of Cups Tarot card meanings! In my weekly newsletter, I share Tarot tips and teach Tarot readers like you how they can connect to their angels. Join today (for free) and grab your copy of Spiritual 101:

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    Six of Cups - Love Meanings

    Illustration: In a Tarot card reading, The Six of Cups in a spread can be a symbol of the past. This post includes vintage and modern fortune telling meanings of the 6 of Cups, ideal for the advanced reader or those just learning the cards. These in…

    Illustration: In a Tarot card reading, The Six of Cups in a spread can be a symbol of the past. This post includes vintage and modern fortune telling meanings of the 6 of Cups, ideal for the advanced reader or those just learning the cards. These interpretations can be used with any of the decks (Rider Waite, Marseilles etc.)

    The Six of Cups Tarot card meaning with the Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck. Focuses on love. Known as the ‘reconciliation’ card, the Six of Cups is a positive sign that an ex may return. However, the Six of Cups can also be a warning that living in the past may be hindering a present relationship. If asking about someone's feelings, the card suggests that they may still be hung up on their ex.

    The Six of Cups Tarot card meaning with the Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck. Focuses on feelings. The Six of Cups in Tarot signifies the return of something or someone from the past. It can represent an ex returning or childhood memories resurfacing. The Six of Cups card is neutral and can be positive or negative depending on the context. It can also serve as a warning not to let neglect cause the loss of something cherished.

    The Six of Cups Tarot card meaning with the Rider Waite Smith Deck. Focuses on love questions. Do they like me? - If you have known them since childhood, yes they like you. If you have not known them since childhood, their feelings are neutral. Is this relationship going to last? - Your relationship is going to last for now. Am I going to reconcile with my ex? - Yes! The Six of Cups is the card that predicts lovers coming back. The Six of Cups is the best Tarot card for exes returning and reconciliations.

    Lisa Boswell Hendry

    I am an award-winning spiritual teacher. Her websites are visited by over 1 million people every single year. Her book, The Modern Oracle, was an Amazon best-seller and was published by Hachette.