The Two of Cups is the card meaning true love. This Tarot card predicts nothing but positive interactions. When you receive the Two of Cups, you can bet that intimate relationships are on your mind or will be of interest to you in the near future. Your knight in shining armor is heading your way.
It is often said by experienced readers that the Two of Cups is the card of soul mates. Even if you do not believe in such a thing as true love, the Two of Cups still predicts good relationships and understanding between two people. Therefore, if you’re hoping to find love, you should pray for a Two of Cups!
If you feel like the Two of Cups card does not predict soul mates, then it can represent best friends who are about to play a major part in your life. These friends will be a positive influence and want nothing more than to work in unity with you.
Very rarely does the Two of Cups Tarot card represent work. When it appears in work placed capacity, the Two of Cups may predict that you’ll meet the love of your life during work hours.
Finally, although the Two of Cups is not a card that most readers associate with pregnancy, in many cases, I feel that it can be a pregnancy card. In fact, I often interpret the Two of Cups as a card that symbolizes twins!
Two of Cups Love Tarot Meaning
The Two of Cups is pretty straight forward for love Tarot readings - it is one of my Tarot cards that indicate love. If it pops up in the future or outcome position, this can mean that your partnership will go the extra mile and possibly last a very long time.
The Two of Cups predicts, for the most part, that your relationship is solid. The only time the Two of Cups is not good for love readings is when it appears in a ‘negative’ or ‘challenges’ Tarot spread position. If this is the case for you, it can mean that you stay with your partner out of pity. Or, it can mean the opposite; they stand by you because they don’t want your feelings to get hurt.
(If you would like more love Tarot meanings for the Two of Cups, check out the Love Tarot Meanings Guide).
Two of Cups Feelings Tarot Meaning
If you have asked your Tarot cards about someone’s feelings towards you, the Two of Cups means that they are mutual. If you have recently had a fight, do not worry; your partner will contact you soon, and everything will go back to normal.
Are you reading your Tarot cards about an ex? They still have feelings for you. Your ex-lover is likely to come back because they still hold on to the good times which you shared together as a couple.
Two of Cups Future Tarot Meaning
When the Two of Cups appears in an outcome position of a Tarot spread, it predicts a very happy relationship. For singles, it means that they are going to meet someone who is going to swoop them off of their feet. For the attached, the Two of Cups means that you are going to stay with your lover for the foreseeable future.
The Two of Cups is a marriage card. While it is likely that you will get married, sometimes it can predict the marriage of a close friend or relative, especially when it appears in the future of general Tarot readings.
When marriage is not a possibility, and you do not feel that it symbolizes a relationship, the Two of Cups can represent a future friendship. You will meet a friend whom you feel is your soulmate, not in the romantic sense, but you will be a perfectly matched couple.
Two of Cups Business & Career Tarot Meaning
As noted above, sometimes, the Two of Cups can mean that you’ll meet the love of your life through your work. Alternatively, the Two of Cups in a business or career Tarot reading can mean that you will make very close friends through your work.
If the above interpretation doesn’t apply, the Two of Cups in a career reading can serve as a warning. Sometimes it can mean that your good nature will get the better of you - you will feel ‘inspired’ to give things away. Are you finding that you’re giving too many discounts? Are you giving one too many freebies? The Two of Cups can mean that this needs to change, especially if it appears in the outcome or future position of your reading.
Two of Cups Yes or No Tarot Meaning
General - For relationship Tarot readings or readings dealing with other people, the Two of Cups is a yes. For business, work, or health readings, I am inclined to say that the Two of Cups is a no.
Do they like me? - Yes! The Two of Cups indicates that this person believes that the two of you get along unusually well.
Am I pregnant? - While Tarot is not a substitute for medical advice, I often take the Two of Cups as a card which represents twins or triplets.
Is this relationship going to last? - Yes, this relationship is going to last for the foreseeable future.
Does the future of this look promising? - Yes, the future of this matter looks promising.
Am I going to reconcile with my ex? - Yes, you can expect your ex to return soon.
Two of Cups as a Negative, Weakness or Obstacle
When the Two of Cups appears in a negative, weakness or obstacle Tarot spread position, this means that someone has sympathy for you - this is a meaning to consider if the Two of Cups appears as a drawback.
Sometimes the Two of Cups can mean that you feel sorry for others and are willing to let them step in the way of your happiness. For example, you stick around in bad relationships because you don’t want to upset your partner.
Two of Cups as a Positive, Strength or Advantage
When the Two of Cups appears in a positive, strength or advantage Tarot spread position, this means that your relationships are happy ones. Even if you do not feel content, your lover is satisfied with the way things are.
In some cases, the Two of Cups can predict that you and your lover have been ‘brought together.’ There are Tarot readers who consider the Two of Cups to be the card of soulmates and true love.
Finally, there will be times when the Two of Cups appears in Tarot readings where it does not hold the meaning of love and relationships. In these cases, the Two of Cups represents best friends and shared feelings.
That’s all for the Two of Cups Tarot card meanings! In my weekly newsletter, I share Tarot tips and teach Tarot readers like you how they can connect to their angels. Join today (for free) and grab your copy of Spiritual 101:
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Illustration: In a Tarot card reading, The Two of Cups in a spread can be a symbol of true love. This post includes vintage and modern fortune telling meanings of the 2 of Cups, ideal for the advanced reader or those just learning the cards. These interpretations can be used with any of the decks (Rider Waite, Marseilles etc.)
The Two of Cups Tarot card meaning with the Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck. Focuses on love. The Two of Cups is a Tarot card that indicates a strong and lasting love relationship. However, it can be negative if it appears in a negative position, indicating that the relationship may be out of pity or fear of hurting feelings. If the card appears in a reading about someone's feelings towards you, it means that the feelings are mutual. If reading about an ex, the card suggests that the ex still has feelings for you and may come back.
The Two of Cups Tarot card meaning with the Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck. Focuses on feelings. The Two of Cups Tarot card represents positive relationships and understanding between two people, indicating true love or the arrival of best friends who will play a significant role in life. The Ace of Cups rarely predicts work-related matters, but it may signify meeting the love of your life during work hours. Additionally, it may symbolize pregnancy, particularly the birth of twins.
The Two of Cups Tarot card meaning with the Rider Waite Smith Deck. Focuses on love questions. Do they like me? - Yes! The Two of Cups indicates that this person believes that the two of you get along unusually well, almost like magic. Is this relationship going to last? - Yes, this relationship is going to last for the foreseeable future. Your lover is not going to fall out of love with you. You will always have a special place in their heart. Am I going to reconcile with my ex? - Yes, you can expect your ex to return soon.