Hi diviners,
I have already released this statement to my newsletter audience, but I feel it is time for me to share it here.
As of December 31st 2024, I am no longer teaching divination. There are many factors that lead me to this decision, but the main reason is due to the fact that I feel, intuitively, my time teaching divination has come to its natural end.
I have been teaching business development along with divination since 2014 and I would like to make this my full-time professional focus.
Firstly, I am taking time away from teaching for medical reasons. However, I will be posting a bi-weekly newsletter with tips for:
🌴 Business development advice
🥥 Technical tutorials and walkthroughs
🍍 Social media growth tips
Coming this springtime, I will also be traveling the UK hosting in-person events, helping small businesses to establish a presence online.
If you have an interest in growing your online presence, no matter where you are in the world, feel free to follow me through one of the links below:
Thank you for the support, and I will hopefully see you on one of my new platforms!
Take care,
Cloudy ‘Lisa’ Boswell Hendry xx