Precognition is the ability to see the future and predict events. Precognition is the skill that divination practitioners and fortune tellers use to foresee things that are about to happen. By strengthening your precognitive abilities, you can better predict likely outcomes in your love life, business projects, even sporting events.
Precognitive Abilities Meaning
Precognition is the ability to see or predict future events. Some people have naturally very strong precognitive abilities while other people have very basic precognitive ability.
Regardless of whether or not you were born the Oracle of Delphi, precognition is something everyone can work on. Just like playing the piano, some are naturally very good at it while others have to learn. And, trust me everyone can learn! I have been a spiritual teacher for over ten years and I have yet to meet someone who cannot develop their abilities.
Who is Naturally Precognitive?
Many people are raised to believe that only very gifted psychics to have precognition - this is not true! Like all psychic abilities, everyone has precognitive abilities, but some people are naturally stronger than others. However, everyone can work on their precognitive abilities.
There are some people who have stronger precognition than others. I would say the most likely indictor of precognition is astrological placement. Your moon sign, which rules intuition and emotions, heavily influences your intuitive abilities.
You may be shocked to learn just how impactful your moon sign is! You can find out more with this free quiz here.
Other than knowing and developing with your moon sign, here are some tips for fostering your precognitive abilities:
How to Develop Precognitive Abilities
Tip One - When the phone rings, try to discern who it is
One very simple thing you can do to develop your precognitive abilities is to try to project who you think will be on the other end of the house phone. Or, if your phone goes off in your pocket, try to ‘sense’ who you think is trying to contact you.
Practicing this exercise will help you to gauge the energy of different people in your life. Then, when you have funny feelings or sense that something is going to happen, you will be able to pinpoint the feeling to a precise individual. So, instead of just saying, “Something is going to happen,” you will be able to say, “Something is going to happen to June”.
Tip Two - Predict your timeline
This is a pretty fun exercise. Before you go to bed, write down what you think is going to be on your social media timeline when you wake up. Who is going to post first? What are they going to say? How many new friend requests/followers are you going to have?
Again, this exercise will help you to predict events surrounding people, but you will be projecting what is going to happen in the future, not just the present as you would with the telephone calls.
I recommend recording these thoughts in your psychic journal (I will get to that in just a second!)
Tip Three - Practice divination
If anything is going to increase your precognitive abilities, practicing divination will. By its very nature, divination will encourage you to make predictions all of the time. Precognition is like a muscle; the more you use it the more you build it!
You do not have to be super psychic to practice divination, anyone can. Feel free to check out my book, The Modern Oracle over on Amazon. Alternatively, you can learn more about astrology here.
Tip Four - Work with intrusive thoughts
I am naturally precognitive and, I make predictions a lot. I even teach other people how to make predictions! One thing which I really notice about me is that before something or someone becomes a major feature in my life, I ‘notice’ them or become aware of their presence.
For example, I noticed this girl’s name on my social media a few weeks ago. We were not friends, but she was friends with an associate of mine whom I followed on Instagram, and I seen her comment on a post.
I felt really, really drawn to her, and had a proper snoop on her account (don’t judge me). A couple of days later, my friend’s (a different friend) boyfriend had left her for the girl whose account I was snooping on, and it caused a lot of conflict for them. I guess I was drawn to her because she became relevant in my life.
Another example, months ago, I remembered a reader (another blogger) which I used to be friends with but fell out with years ago. Her name just popped into my head, so I went and snooped on her Facebook account (I know I need to get off my phone). I go scrolling and come to find out she had been going onto my website and stealing my images for her adverts!
You might think that you’re just nosey, but if you feel really drawn to a person, there is usually a reason for it and they will become relevant in the future. So, if you want to develop your precognitive abilities, you should pay attention to those intrusive thoughts.
You may also want to write your intrusive thoughts down, which brings them to my next point…..
Tip Five - Record Your Thoughts
This next tip sounds cheesy, but it really makes the difference when you’re working on your psychic development. Sometimes, starting a psychic diary can help you increase your precognitive abilities.
A psychic journal will provide somewhere for you to take note of your thoughts, experiences, and even your dreams. All of these elements will 10X your ability to make predictions.
For journaling, I recommend a so-called bullet journal. You can structure your bullet journal exactly how you want. I read the book, The Bullet Journal Method many years ago and I have been hooked ever since! Not only does bullet journaling help me stay organised in my psychic journey, but it also keeps me on track when Alfie and I fly between the UK and Australia.
I recommend this brand of journal as their paper is fantastic! You can also purchase the Bullet Journal Method here.
Tip Six - Work with Your Moon Sign
As I mentioned earlier, you can work with your moon sign to develop precognition and improve your relationships, bank balance, and intuition.
While I have always been naturally precognitive, my intuitive abilities were all over the place and very chaotic! I have found that knowing my moon sign and using this information has been invaluable in my psychic development journey.
You can take a free quiz here and it will send you a free report:
Closing Thoughts: How to Develop Precognitive Abilities
That is all for my top precognition tips! Remember, if you would like to improve your psychic abilities, feel free to take the moon sign quiz here sign up for my newsletter below. I send out bi-weekly tips to my subscribers:
Articles Related to How to Develop Precognition
🌙 Seeing signs is an indication that your psychic abilities are in development.
🌙 And here is how you can use signs for psychic development.
🌙 Ancestral work is another way you can develop your precognitive abilities.
🌙 Learning your moon sign is a way you can develop your precognition. Take the test here!
Other than that, have an amazing weekend and happy divining!
Cloudy xx
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Precognition is the ability to foresee or predict future events. While some individuals are naturally gifted with strong precognitive abilities, others may have only a basic level of this skill. However, precognition is something that everyone can develop with practice. Some people are naturals, while others need more time to master it: it’s a skill that anyone can learn. It’s a common misconception that only highly gifted psychics possess precognitive abilities. In reality, everyone has the potential for precognition. While some may have a natural advantage, this doesn’t mean others can’t improve.
Here are six steps to learning how to predict the future. You can develop your precognition and precognitive abilities. If you want to develop your psychic abilities so that you can make predictions with Tarot, astrology, and lenormand, here are some tips for developing this ability.