Accurate Bouquet Meanings and Combinations

Do you want to know what the meaning of the Lenormand Bouquet card is? Are you curious about what the Bouquet’s combinations might be? Here is how to read the Lenormand Bouquet card! Includes Bouquet meanings for love, timing, as a person and more!

Bouquet - 09

Also known as Flowers

Keywords: Appreciations, beauty, happiness, gifts, presents, an invite, joy, traditional values, flowers.

Troubleshooting The Bouquet

Before we get into the Bouquet meanings and Coffin combinations, make sure you have the basics down! This is especially true if you’re struggling to interpret the Bouquet card.

Firstly, I recommend you make sure that you have a good Lenormand deck that is not too busy or complicated. As of 2024, I am loving the Grand Tableau Lenormand. You can grab it on Amazon here.

Also, if you’re really struggling to interpret Lenormand combinations, I recommend trying to learn some adjectives associated with the cards. Some adjectives associated with the Bouquet card are beautiful, charming, pleasing, joyful, celebratory, uplifting, positive, graceful, affectionate, harmonious, delightful, sweet, rewarding, and sincere.

Improve Your Lenormand

Did you know that your zodiac sign is not your only planetary sign? You also have a moon sign and your moon sign has a monumental impact on both your intuition and how you interpret cards. You can take an amazing free quiz and download your free report here - it is a total game changer!

General Bouquet Meaning

The Bouquet is easy enough to interpret if you think of it as a gift. Any time this card pops up, imagine a man giving a woman a gift of flowers. Obviously, the gift doesn’t have to just be of flowers, it can be anything, but in literal readings, Bouquet can mean that you will receive a bouquet of roses.

If you are single and looking for love, then you may want to search for a man (or woman) who holds traditional values. They will be the type of person to bring you presents, open doors for you and show you their appreciation. Sometimes, this card can show that good old fashioned kind of person coming into your life.

Sometimes the gift you will receive will not be romantic in nature; it may be something which is given to you from a relative or even an invite to a party.

In general, the Bouquet Lenormand card meaning can just speak of happiness, smiles, and joy. Bouquet can predict that you will get pleasure from showing or receiving random acts of kindness. 

In some readings, The Bouquet is the card of beauty, makeup and everything associated with femininity. The Bouquet and Garden card in combination can predict a trip to the spa or pamper party with friends. 

Specific Bouquet Meanings

Bouquet Love Meaning: Bouquet represents old-fashioned kind of love or a lover with these values. Often, it means your efforts will be appreciated by the person you’re dating (or going to date in the future).

Bouquet Career Meaning: When it appears in career readings, the Bouquet means that you will experience joy in the workplace. Sometimes, Bouquet can represent a career in the beauty industry.

Bouquet Business Meaning: In a business reading, Bouquet can predict that you are going to receive a business offer. 

Bouquet Positive Meaning: Bouquet is usually delightful, representing gifts and appreciation. In some cases, Bouquet means that you will be rewarded for your efforts or kindness.

Bouquet Negative Meaning: In less desirable readings (and depending on combining cards) Bouquet can mean there is a lack of appreciation in your workplace, family, friendships, or romances. 

Bouquet As A Person: As a person, the Bouquet card can represent a florist, make-up artist, perfumist, painter, or interior designer. When it pops up as a person, Bouquet can also symbolize someone with old-fashioned values. 

Bouquet Timing Meaning: As Bouquet is card number nine, it predicts that events will unfold in nine days, nine weeks, nine months, or nine years. However, sometimes it can mean that everything will come to a head once someone in your life learns how to appreciate you (or you learn how to appreciate them!) 

Traditionally, Bouquet is associated with Springtime as this is when the flowers bloom. However, there are some readers who read Bouquet as representing Summertime, so it does depend on your preferences. 

Lenormand Bouquet Combinations

I do not recommend that you memorize these card combinations. Their purpose is to let you see what is possible when it comes to combining Lenormand cards. The best way to learn is to practice with your own Bouquet combinations and see what you can come up with! However, if you get stuck, you can always refer to this list:

Lenormand Bouquet Combinations

Bouquet and Rider Combination: Arrival of a gift; Special delivery; Invited guests; Pleasure to see someone; Beautiful young man.

Bouquet and Clover Combination: Gift of money; Gift of something green; Decorating for fun; Enjoying gaming.

Bouquet and Ship Combination: Romantic trip; Enjoying time away; Surprise trips; Doing something over; Exotic fragrances.

Bouquet and Home Combination: Beautiful house; Decorated house; Finding pleasure in spending time with your family; Giving someone comfort.

Bouquet and Tree Combination: Wildflowers; Flowers which grow in woodlands; Color therapy; Painting pictures of landscapes; Charming with your good nature.

Bouquet and Clouds Combination: Values conflicting; Ethics which are confusing; Enjoying the rain; Preferring to remain pessimistic.

Bouquet and Snake Combination: Act of kindness designed to manipulate; Surprised by someone’s intelligence; Values which you betray.

Bouquet and Coffin Combination: Gifts for a gravesite; Flowers associated with death; Day of the dead make-up; Halloween make-up; Surprise contact from a person from your past.

Bouquet and Scythe Combination: Joy that is short-lived; Giving someone a warning; A happy accident; Cosmetic surgery; Cosmetic dentistry.

Bouquet and Whip Combination: Values which cause arguments; Charming your critics; Dressing up abuse; Pleasure from sex.

Bouquet and Birds Combination: Photography social sites (Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) Affection displayed on social media; Appreciate the small-talk; Invites you receive over social media.

Bouquet and Child Combination: Present for a child; Enjoying your fresh starts; Giving an individual the benefit of the doubt; Decorating a children’s room.

Bouquet and Fox Combination: Flattery; Pretending to be something you’re not; Falsely presenting yourself; Enjoying your job.

Bouquet and Bear Combination: Gift for a boss; Bear-skinned rugs; Enjoying the gym; Finding pleasure in following the lead of powerful people.

Bouquet and Stars Combination: Appreciating a mentor; Decorated with stars; Enjoying your fame; Making good judgments.

Bouquet and Stork Combination: Surprise pregnancy; Decorating a nursery; Appreciation a pregnant person; Appreciating a nurse; Surprise changes.

Bouquet and Dog Combination: Gifts for a friend; Making new friends; Giving help to others; Enjoying time spent with pets.

Bouquet and Tower Combination: Tax rebates; Doing something officially; Making something official; Valuing tradition; An association of artists.

Bouquet and Garden Combination: Gardening; Botanical gardens; Keeping up appearances for social reasons; Enjoying becoming a socialite.

Bouquet and Mountain Combination: Habit of apologizing too much; Appreciating time spent alone; Gifts you do not want to accept.

Bouquet and Crossroads Combination: Decisions over an offer; Enjoying your freedom; Doing the unexpected; Making alternative arrangements.

Bouquet and Mice Combination: Gifts which have a limited life-span; Keeping up appearances becomes an inconvenience; Decorating something which is already broken.

Bouquet and Heart Combination: Romantic love; Traditional relationship; Enjoying giving and receiving affection.

Bouquet and Ring Combination: Surprise engagement; Charming your way into a commitment; Values which you stick to; Costume jewelry.

Bouquet and Book Combination: Secret gifts; Beautiful books; Surprise discoveries; Sharing your expertise.

Bouquet and Letter Combination: A present in the form of paper, such as concert tickets; Colorful notebook; Giving information; Enjoyable evidence.

Bouquet and Man Combination: Traditional man; Valued man; Handsome man; Man who smells nice; Male designer.

Bouquet and Woman Combination: Beautiful woman; Enjoyable woman; Pleasurable woman; Female beautician; Woman decorator.

Bouquet and Lily Combination: Lily flowers; Enjoying the Wintertime; Enjoying peace and quiet; Inviting an older person.

Bouquet and Sun Combination: Kindness which pays off in the future; Embellishment of your achievements; Achievements you have obtained for vanity reasons; Appreciating your opportunities.

Bouquet and Moon Combination: Charming reputation; Colorful reputation; Painting and decorating talents; Giving your intuitive energy.

Bouquet and Key Combination: Life-changing gift; Embellishment of the truth; Making something a priority.

Bouquet and Fish Combination: Gift of wine; Decorating in costly fashion; Enjoying spending money; Making a trade with someone.

Bouquet and Anchor Combination: Considerate acts which are frequent; Appreciating the stability which something (or someone) provides you; Inviting people to the beach.

Bouquet and Cross Combination: Offerings which have become burdensome; Values which are tested; Beauty is pain.

Concluding The Lenormand Bouquet

Have you received a Bouquet combination in your Lenormand reading? Do you resonate more with the ‘appreciation’ meaning or the ‘tradition’ meaning? You can check out more Lenormand card meanings and combinations below!

And don’t forget to check out your Moon sign and claim your free report. I know my ability to interpret the Bouquet card’s meanings and combinations drastically improved once I worked with my natural abilities. I even learned I had a super rare placement only found in gifted psychics! Click the button to discover what makes you unique:

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Lisa Boswell Hendry

I am an award-winning spiritual teacher. Her websites are visited by over 1 million people every single year. Her book, The Modern Oracle, was an Amazon best-seller and was published by Hachette.