Accurate Scythe Meanings and Combinations

Do you want to know the meaning of the Lenormand Scythe card? Are you curious about what the Scythe combinations might be? Here is how to read the Lenormand Scythe card! Includes Scythe meanings for love, timing, as a person, and more!

Scythe - 10

Keywords: Quick endings, cuts, accidents, something being cut out, the unexpected, a warning, death, scissors, a scythe.

Troubleshooting The Scythe

Before we get into the Scythe meanings and Scythe combinations, make sure you have the basics down! This is especially true if you’re struggling to interpret the Scythe card.

Firstly, I recommend you make sure that you have a good Lenormand deck that is not too busy or complicated. As of 2024, I am loving the Grand Tableau Lenormand. You can grab it on Amazon here.

Also, if you’re really struggling to interpret Lenormand combinations, I recommend trying to learn some adjectives associated with the cards. Some adjectives associated with the Scythe card are sharp, sudden, decisive, cutting, dangerous, swift, impactful, abrupt, critical, harsh, separating, transformative, risky, final and precise.

Improve Your Lenormand

Did you know that your zodiac sign is not your only planetary sign? You also have a moon sign and your moon sign has a monumental impact on both your intuition and how you interpret cards. You can take an amazing free quiz and download your free report here - it is a total game changer!

General Scythe Meaning

Scythe is a much-dreaded card due to its quick and destructive nature. It is similar to Coffin in the sense that it symbolizes endings. However, Scythe differs from Coffin because Scythe’s endings are swift and unexpected. 

Also, like the Coffin card, the Scythe Lenormand card can spell death. But unlike Coffin – with Scythe – death will claim his victim swiftly in an accidental or unexpected manner. The Lenormand Scythe card meaning is usually one of negativity.

Scythe predicts accidents in general, not just ones associated with death. These accidents may be small or sinister depending on context and surrounding cards. Cuts will appear as Scythe. You should be careful if you’re into crafts and scrapbooking. 

Literally sharp things, cutting, scissors, etc. can all be represented by Scythe. In a Lenormand reading, Scythe can predict operations or medical procedures.

Although Scythe can symbolize sharp objects and death, it is much more common for the card to represent something figurative. If Scythe appears in your reading, something in your life will be removed quickly and without warning. Therefore, this card is a bad omen for relationships, especially if you’re in the habit of selecting lovers who leave you at the drop of a hat. 

Specific Scythe Meanings

Scythe Love Meaning: Scythe can represent the end of your relationship. Scythe can also mean that a person whom you’re considering dating is not good for you. 

Scythe Career Meaning: Scythe in a career reading, Scythe can mean that you will be in an accident at work. Scythe can also predict that you will be cut unexpectedly from your job or a project. 

Scythe Business Meaning: In a business reading, Scythe represents a warning about your company; you should remain vigilant. 

Scythe Positive Meaning: Scythe can be desirable if it means that something bad in your life (such as a roadblock or obstacle) will be removed quickly. 

Scythe Negative Meaning: Scythe usually takes on a sinister interpretation and warns against quick endings, accidents, and unexpected changes (even death).

Scythe As A Person: I read Scythe as representing someone who loves Halloween as this is what I think of when I see the card! Traditionally, Scythe is associated with doctors, dentists, and anyone who can perform operations. 

Scythe Timing Meaning: As Scythe is card number nine, it predicts that events will unfold in nine days, nine weeks, nine months, or nine years. Scythe can also represent October and Halloween time. 

However, when timing events be mindful of Scythe’s meaning – it predicts quick, unexpected events. Therefore, it is typical for Scythe to mean that everything is going to happen when you least expect it. 

Lenormand Scythe Combinations

I do not recommend that you memorize these card combinations. Their purpose is to let you see what is possible when it comes to combining Lenormand cards. The best way to learn is to practice with your own Scythe combinations and see what you can come up with! However, if you get stuck, you can always refer to this list:

Lenormand Scythe Combinations

Scythe and Rider Combination: The end of the communication; Harming a horse; Risky visits; Dangerous acts.

Scythe and Clover Combination: Cutting the grass; Killing the fun; Cutting out the laughs.

Scythe and Ship Combination: Travel plans canceled; Dividing your travels; Risky strangers; Risky moves.

Scythe and Home Combination: Accident in the home; Harming your home; Risking your comfort.

Scythe and Tree Combination: Cutting down trees; Hurting your health; Surgery for your health.

Scythe and Clouds Combination: Cutting out confusion; Cutting off difficult people; Risking the bad weather; Deciding to think negatively about your situation.

Scythe and Snake Combination: The end of an enemy’s interest in you; Execute an enemy; Hurting some with lies; Harming relationships with lies.

Scythe and Coffin Combination: The end of an illness; Breaking free from something which died long ago; Breaking free from something which serves no purpose.

Scythe and Bouquet Combination: Botox and fillers; Pruning flowers; Risking appearances; Deciding to change up the decor.

Scythe and Whip Combination: Strangulation; Physical harm; Hurting yourself during a sporting match; Deciding to take the most aggressive route.

Scythe and Birds Combination: Deleting social media accounts; Cutting contact with people online; Cutting out gossip; Hurting because of a rumor.

Scythe and Child Combination: Fresh start, possibly too soon (as in, jumping out of one relationship and straight into another); Deciding to start again; Ending one thing so that you can have a new start with something else.

Scythe and Fox Combination: Accidents at work; Harming your position at work; Dividing your time at work; Running the risk of getting involved with con-artists; Deciding to take a more manipulative approach; Ending it with someone after you discover they are not as they appear to be.

Scythe and Bear Combination: Lifestyle change after a health scare; Risking your lifestyle; Warning not to trust authority figures; Harming your relationship with authority figures; Something which hurts your power and strength.

Scythe and Stars Combination: Progress after a disaster; Deciding to go for your dreams; Cutting short your dreams; Killing your vision.

Scythe and Stork Combination: C-Section; Change after a disaster; Execute change; Quick change; Risking your pregnancy; Warning against change.

Scythe and Dog Combination: End of a friendship; Divided loyalty; Warning for a friend; Harming your pets; Risking your pets; Killing your pets; Killing your loyalty.

Scythe and Tower Combination: End of government involvement; End of government assistance; Cutting out your involvement with an association; Risking your position in an association; Ending your isolation.

Scythe and Garden Combination: Accident at a party; Risks to your standing in a community; Breaking away from your social circle; Removing yourself from the public eye.

Scythe and Mountain Combination: Injury which takes a long time to heal; Risking something for the long-term; Warning that this situation or relationship has a limited future.

Scythe and Crossroads Combination: Accident during a walk; Accident during a hike; Harming your choices; Dangerous alternatives; A warning to decide quickly before your choices get taken away.

Scythe and Mice Combination: Cuts which get infected; Remove the stresses in your life; Removing the anxiety; A warning that this person/situation is toxic.

Scythe and Heart Combination: Heart surgery; Broken heart; Risky relationship; Quick ending relationship; Harmful relationship; Divided priorities.

Scythe and Ring Combination: Broken valuables; Broken promises; Ripping up a contract.

Scythe and Book Combination: Suddenly leaving school, college or university; Harming your knowledge; Risking the exposure of a secret; Threatened into silence.

Scythe and Letter Combination: Letter opener; Hurtful message; Cutting contact; Having a break from your Lenormand or Tarot cards.

Scythe and Man Combination: Accident-prone man; Divided man; Risk-taking man.

Scythe and Woman Combination: Sharp woman; Hurt woman; Decisive woman.

Scythe and Lily Combination: Frostbite; Anti-aging treatment; Risking your peace of mind; Harming your contentment; Killing an older relative; Dividing your time; Risking discretion.

Scythe and Sun Combination: Risking your success; Hurting your accomplishments; Harming your happiness; Deciding to do what is best for you.

Scythe and Moon Combination: Negative emotions; Emotional harm; Warnings which come from your intuition; Having a break from anything mystical.

Scythe and Key Combination: Cutting keys; Ending this situation is very important; Serious warning.

Scythe and Fish Combination: The end of a stream of income; Dividing your income; Dividing your business; Harming your bank account; Risking a large sum of money.

Scythe and Anchor Combination: Accidents at sea; Risking your stability; Warnings about your security; Deciding to stay where you are (even when you shouldn’t).

Scythe and Cross Combination: Surgery for arthritis; Endings that are fated; Risking being in a lot of pain; Deciding to make a sacrifice.

Concluding The Lenormand Scythe

Have you received a Scythe combination in your Lenormand reading? Do you resonate more with the ‘danger’ meaning or the ‘loss’ meaning? You can check out more Lenormand card meanings and combinations below!

Don’t miss the chance to uncover your Moon sign and claim your free report! Understanding my Moon sign helped me tap into my natural abilities, completely changing the way I interpret the Scythe card meanings and combinations. I even discovered I have a rare placement associated with gifted psychics! Click the button to reveal the unique strengths written in your stars.

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Lisa Boswell Hendry

I am an award-winning spiritual teacher. Her websites are visited by over 1 million people every single year. Her book, The Modern Oracle, was an Amazon best-seller and was published by Hachette.