Do you want to know the meaning of the Lenormand Cross card? Are you curious about what the Cross combinations might be? Here is how to read the Lenormand Cross card! Includes Cross meanings for love, timing, as a person, and more!
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Keywords: Burdens, struggles, suffering, crosses we bear, pain, sacrifices, religion, symbolism, fate, destiny, the cross.
General Cross Meaning
Many will mistake the Cross as representing something favorable. In modern times, we associate crosses with Jesus, rightfulness and helping others. Sadly, in Lenormand Cross reflects the more negative face of crucifixion. When you think of the Cross, think of Jesus wandering through the streets with a cross strapped to his back while he bleeds to death.
In Lenormand, Cross is the card of suffering and struggles. It will be the crosses which you bear in life. If something is going to be more of a burden than it is worth, Cross will pop up in your reading.
Sometimes, the Cross card is the sacrifices you’re making. Just like Jesus died for our sins, you will have to give up something major for something else to be a success. A project may cost you a lot more than you expect.
The odd time, this card can inject an air of religion to your life. The Cross card can embody religion, philosophy, belief, and symbolism. Therefore, the odd time that the Cross doesn’t represent a negative meaning in your Lenormand reading, it could be predicting spirituality.
Specific Cross Meanings
Cross Love Meaning: Cross can signify that you find your relationship more of a burden than a pleasure. However, it will also come up if your partner is suffering from an illness and you act as their caregiver. If you are single, it can suggest that, for the time being, you are meant to be alone.
Cross Career Meaning: Sometimes Cross will appear when you’re about to be in trouble at work. Alternatively, you may be playing the martyr or acting as a scapegoat.
Cross Business Meaning: If your business is a heavy burden on you, Cross will embody this meaning. It is entirely possible that you do not want what you have built. In a desirable reading, it can mean that you are fulfilling your destiny through your work.
Cross Positive Meaning: Cross can show what is meant to be if this is what you want.
Cross Negative Meaning: Cross can show what is not meant to be or what is destined, but not enjoyable. In general, it is the card of pain and suffering.
Cross as a Person: When it represents a person, Cross can be a religious person, a superstitious person, a priest, a pastor, a shaman, a tata, or a mambo. In some cases, Cross will symbolize someone who is in pain, or an individual who is a burden to you.
Cross Timing Meaning: Some Lenormand readers believe that Cross means that something will happen too soon, or before you’re ready. I take Cross to mean that events will unfold around Christmas or Easter time.
Lenormand Cross Combinations
I do not recommend that you memorize these card combinations. Their purpose is to let you see what is possible when it comes to combining Lenormand cards. The best way to learn is to practice with your own Cross combinations and see what you can come up with! However, if you get stuck, you can always refer to this list:
Lenormand Cross Combinations
Cross and Rider Combination: Prophets; Spiritual messenger; Agonizing messages; Information that is difficult to hear.
Cross and Clover Combination: Lucky charm; Hurtful jokes; Tolerating games.
Cross and Ship Combination: Traveling despite it being a burden to you; Struggling to travel; Struggling to move on.
Cross and Home Combination: Worrying about your home; Worrying about your safety; Stressing about a family member.
Cross and Tree Combination: Genetic disorder; Suffering because of genetics; Ancestral trauma; Agonizing over whether to persevere or not; Pain in the reproductive region.
Cross and Clouds Combination: Uncertain sacrifices; Suffering from mental health issues; Stress affecting your mood; Suffering because of difficult people.
Cross and Snake Combination: Burdensome enemy; Tolerating people you do not like; Struggling with a competitor.
Cross and Coffin Combination: Painful illness; Struggling to end something; Worrying about things which are in the past.
Cross and Bouquet Combination: Religious gift; Agonize over a gift; Tolerating a design; Tolerating the decor; Values being tested.
Cross and Scythe Combination: Difficult endings; Undergoing surgery; Tormented soldiers; Tormented doctor or dentist.
Cross and Whip Combination: Crucifixion; Struggling with abuse; Painful arguments; Pain after sports; Pain which comes and goes repeatedly.
Cross and Birds Combination: Older churchgoers; Sore throat or mouth; Hurt over social media; Agonizing conversations; Hurting because people are gossiping about you.
Cross and Child Combination: Suffering child; Struggling with a child; Children in pain; Painful beginnings.
Cross and Fox Combination: Struggles at work; Tolerating a double-dealer; Strain in relationships at work; Emotional pain hurting your creativity.
Cross and Bear Combination: Suffering mother; Suffering boss; Struggling to lose weight; Enduring lifestyle changes you do not want to make, but have to attempt.
Cross and Stars Combination: Lucky stars; Struggling to find direction; Agonizing over what you should do next.
Cross and Stork Combination: Change of fate; Pain in labor; Painful pregnancy; Difficult pregnancy.
Cross and Dog Combination: Burdensome pet; Injured pet; Strained friendships.
Cross and Tower Combination: Churches; Hospitals; Hospices; Suffering because of the government; Being hurt because someone has made themselves unreachable.
Cross and Garden Combination: Religious meet-up; Religious holiday; Putting up with a social circle which you would rather not associate with.
Cross and Mountain Combination: Permanent suffering; Tolerating the fact that things are not going to get any better; Accepting your fate for the time being.
Cross and Crossroads Combination: Difficult choices; Painful choices; Alternatives not looking any less painful.
Cross and Mice Combination: Deteriorating illnesses; Suffering because of an illness; Illnesses that cause pain.
Cross and Heart Combination: Heavy heart; Painful heart; Very difficult relationship; Agonizing relationship; Being hurt within your relationships; Having to care for the well-being of your partner.
Cross and Ring Combination: Burdensome commitment; Strained commitment; Struggling with commitment; Enduring something not because you want to but because you feel obliged.
Cross and Book Combination: Suffering in silence; Hurting in secret; Strains which you are not aware of; Not having the strength to study.
Cross and Letter Combination: Paper cut; Bible; Koran; Religious text; Hurtful information; Struggling to accept the message.
Cross and Man Combination: Religious man; Painful man; Hurt man.
Cross and Woman Combination: Burdened woman; Tolerant woman; Faithful woman.
Cross and Lily Combination: Arthritis; Painful truths; Pain relief; Inability to allow yourself to have peace of mind.
Cross and Sun Combination: Destined for success; Suffering to achieve success; Enduring a lot of shit so that you can achieve what you want.
Cross and Moon Combination: Destined for greatness; Struggling with your emotions; Enduring a spiritual metamorphosis.
Cross and Key Combination: Painful solutions; Painful treatment; Struggling to find a diagnosis; Agonizing over the things which are important to you.
Cross and Fish Combination: Money causing problems; Strain on your finances; Suffering from addiction; Tolerating somebody else’s addiction.
Cross and Anchor Combination: Burdens which remain consistent; Struggling to find your footing; Agonizing over how trapped you feel; Being destined to stay where you are forever.
Concluding The Lenormand Cross
Have you received a Cross combination in your Lenormand reading? Do you resonate more with the ‘painful struggles’ meaning or the ‘religious’ meaning?
🔮 I’ve been answering questions for Lenormand readers on Facebook Messanger. I do not interpret other people’s readings for them, but I will answer your questions about specific cards you’re struggling with grasping. If you have any questions about the Lenormand Cross meanings, Lenormand Cross combinations, or any other card, shoot me a message. 🔮✨
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