What does it mean when you receive multiple Kings in a Tarot reading? Does getting two, three, or four Kings at once have any special significance? Today, I am going to teach you the meaning of receiving these multiples!
In Tarot, the Kings represent authoritative figures, people of power, and the ultimate maturity of their suit. The King of Cups, for example, represents an individual who is highly intuitive and emotionally controlled. Therefore, when multiple Kings appear in a reading, this means that many of these individuals will appear in your life.
With the general King meaning and historical King interpretations from 19th and 20th century sources in mind, I am going to outline what it means when you receive multiple Kings in your Tarot card reading.
Multiple Kings in a Tarot Reading: Four Kings in a Tarot Reading
When you receive four Kings in a Tarot reading, this means that you will become highly influential. Kings are often associated with people at the top of their industry, so four Kings predict that, in the future, everywhere you look there will be people of power.
It is best if four Kings appear in a career, financial, or business reading because this predicts that you will become a person of influence. You will climb your way to the top and become well known and regarded by people who are interested in the subject matter which you specialize in teaching or doing.
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For love and relationship readings, receiving four Kings in your Tarot reading can mean a couple of things. Firstly, it can indicate that your career will become a source of tension in your relationship because you will have all of these Kings and important people fighting for your attention.
Alternatively (and most commonly) four Kings can predict that you will begin a relationship with someone who is famous or popular. If you’re already in a partnership, four Kings can mean that your partner will be the one to climb the career ladder and you will reap the benefits.
Lots of Kings: Three Kings in a Tarot Reading
When three Kings appear in a reading, this means that you will receive the advice and opinions of multiple people who, possibly, hold some type of authority (but not always).
For love and relationship readings, three Kings indicate that, if you want your relationship to be successful, you should get advice from relationship experts. This advice could come from coaching but might also be found in books or online.
If three Kings appear in a career or business reading, this means that you will get the assistance of experts. For example, business coaches, a mastermind, or mentors could help you in some way. The help of others is the key to success, so do not discount input from the outside.
Some Kings: Two Kings in a Tarot Reading
Finally, receiving two Kings in a Tarot reading is similar to receiving three Kings, but usually, two indicates that the help you get will be from fewer people. For example, three Kings predicts you will get the help of a group, but two Kings predicts that you will receive support from, say, your mother or a friend.
In love and relationship readings, your friends, family, peers, etc. will help you out by telling you some home truths. They may also instruct you on how you can best move forward with a particular situation.
For business and career readings, getting two Kings close together means that you will get advice from someone who is close to you and has experience in the area in which you are struggling. Do not discount their hints and tips!
Concluding Kings in a Tarot Card Reading
That’s all for what it means when you receive lots of Kings in your Tarot card reading! Have you recently received these proprotions? Do you struggle to interpret their meanings? You can check out more court card meanings below!
Articles Related to Multiple Kings in a Tarot Reading
Here’s a link to more Tarot card combinations
Feel free to check out my meanings for the King of Wands
I also have a detailed outline for the King of Swords Tarot meaning
Here’s the meaning of the King of Cups Tarot card
And, finally, here you can read my meanings for the King of Pentacles
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