Are Online Tarot Courses for You?

Are online Tarot courses for you? Are you looking to learn Tarot, advance your readings skills or improve your abilities to read? But you’re struggling to find a course which you like, that isn’t too expensive? Is cost and price an issue for you? If it is, read on!

Are you considering taking an online Tarot course, but are unsure if you should instead invest your time in a face-to-face Tarot workshop? As a Tarot and spiritual development teacher I believe that learning through e-courses is the best way to advance your reading abilities - and I am going to explain to you why you should learn through online Tarot classes. 

There are many benefits to learning and improving your Tarot reading skills online. With distant learning courses, you can go at your own speed, don’t have to travel, and can get the teacher you want at the fraction of the price of face-to-face workshops. 

Below, I have included the main reasons why I think that learning Tarot through online courses, is the best method. And, if you’re ready to advance your Tarot be sure to check out my Tarot course which I have designed to take you from meanings memoriser to reading interpreter!


1. You Like to go at your Own Pace

Probably the biggest difference between online and face-to-face courses, is in the fact that - with online courses - you can go at your on pace. You don’t have to fire through the course in the teacher’s time; you take your own time and go as quick or as slow as you want. The ability to set your own pace is what makes online Tarot courses the best way of learning, for many students. 

Most people learn from taking notes and writing information down. When you’re in a classroom environment, it is very difficult to listen to the teacher, record your notes, and take part in the learning process. You end up forgetting key points and can get overwhelmed, confused and miss out vital information the teacher give you. 

However, with online courses you get lifetime access to the course content. You don’t have to worry about missing out bits or not writing something down, because (if you do) you can just go back and re-watch a presentation, or re-download a piece of paper. The ability to go back is one of the main reasons why students who take online courses prefer them. 

2. You don’t want to Travel 

One of the biggest pulls for people taking online courses, is the fact that they are so much easier to enrol in and execute than face-to-face courses. 

There might be reasons why you don’t want to leave your house. Childcare could be an issue. You work schedule could be an issue. Your health could be an issue. However, you don’t have to worry about these things if you take an online course. 

With online Tarot courses, you can learn advance Tarot techniques while you sit at home in your pyjamas. You can improve your Tarot reading abilities without even having to get dressed (never mind leaving the house). Plus, you can fit your study in around work, kids and other commitments. 

By contrast, if you take a face-to-face course, you have to travel to the event. The course by the teacher you want could be miles, districts, even countries away. You’ll have to shuffle around your work and family commitments, and arrange travel; issues which do not exist with online Tarot courses. Therefore, if travel is a problem, online Tarot courses are for you. 

3. You don’t have Much Money 

When you take a face-to-face course, you are paying for that specific teacher, and their devoted time and attention in a small, intimate setting. Therefore, face-to-face Tarot workshops in your area are generally a lot more expensive than online courses. 

Don’t get me wrong, the price can be the same. However, there will be much more content in an online course than a face-to-face workshop, because the teacher would have devoted their time to creating tones of content, in their own time, so you get more bang for your buck. 

As an example, take my Tarot course. You can go through it at your own pace, don’t have to travel and don’t have to invest on fancy tutoring.

Are online Tarot courses for you? Are you looking to learn Tarot, advance your readings skills or improve your abilities to read? But you’re struggling to find a course which you like, that isn’t too expensive? Is co.png

Where I live in the UK, your standard Tarot course runs for about £50 per day. If I was to run Tarot Techniques, over 10 weeks I could charge about £1500 for the full course. And to be honest, because I also teach online I would need to charge a high amount to make it worth my while even running a face-to-face course; most teachers who are even just a little tech savvy are the same. Face-to-face workshops have to be expensive to make them worth our while. 

By contrast, I can price a detailed Tarot course much less if it is online. Don’t get me wrong, I still have overheads (course hosting, newsletters etc.) but my time is better spent running courses online. Therefore, with the timing costs not as much as an issue as they are with face-to-face workshops, I can be more lenient with pricing. 

4. You’re Past the Beginner Stage 

In general, face-to-face courses are targeted at beginners wanting to learn the basics of how to read Tarot. It is much easier to sell a beginner course than it is to sell an advance course and, because of this, advance courses are harder to fill up. Due to the fact that it’s more difficult to get people through the door for advance courses, the chances of finding one in your area, near you are minimal.

Now-a-days, I never run advanced face-to-face Tarot courses. The reason why, is because I am not going to put the effort into creating and marketing one, when I can easily do it online and reach thousands of Tarot readers wanting to learn advanced Tarot and willing to do so with an online course. 

If you’re past the beginner stage, your chances of finding an advance course near you are not high, especially if where you live isn't heavily populated. Therefore, it is easier to improve your Tarot with an online Tarot course than it is a face-to-face workshop. 

5. You want Guarantees

You may take a face-to-face course and realise that the course wasn’t for you - the content might not be what you thought it would be, for example. 

In face-to-face courses, the teacher has a lot of up front costs. They have to pay for the hall, their marketing, printed materials etc. More importantly, they have to devote a set amount of time to running their course. Every hour they are running their course, is time they are not giving readings; for this reason, that teachers running face-to-face courses do not give money back guarantees. 

Essentially, when you take a face-to-face course, you are paying for the teacher’s time, therefore, workshops do not typically have guarantees. It is sort of like attending a concert - whether you enjoy the concert or not is irrelevant. You will not be entitled to your money back if the concert was unsatisfactory. 

By contrast, when you take an online, self-study course you are paying for the content not the one-on-one attention of the teacher. Therefore, online courses usually have money back guarantees. In my Tarot course, I have a money back guarantee. Having a money back guarantee keeps everyone happy, and is something you should consider if you’re deciding whether to take an online course or a face-to-face workshop. 

That’s all for my assessment on why Tarot course probably are right for you. Below you can sign up for a free, online guide!

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    Lisa Boswell Hendry

    I am an award-winning spiritual teacher. Her websites are visited by over 1 million people every single year. Her book, The Modern Oracle, was an Amazon best-seller and was published by Hachette.