Future Tarot Meanings: Page of Cups

The primary meaning of the Page of Cups is that it is the card of emotional immaturity. The Page of Cups represents someone who is soft and sensitive. Although they lack maturity, the Page of Cups desires love, care, and affection. 

In some Tarot card decks, the Page of Cups is called the Princess of Cups or the Daughter of Cups or Chalices. However, the Tarot card meaning of the Princess/Daughter of Cups/Chalices and the Page of Cups is the same.

The Page of Cups is the first Court card in the Cups suit. As Cups are associated with love, emotions, and feelings, it should come as no surprise that the Page of Cups is often interpreted as representing sensitivity.

Discover the Page of Cups Tarot card meaning for love and relationships. Learn the meaning of the Page of Cups for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, p…

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If the Page of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, it means that you or someone around you is being, or will become, sensitive. Like with all traits, this can be a positive or negative thing depending on the other cards which appear in the Tarot reading. If your reading looks fine, then your gentleness comes from a good place. If your reading looks negative, then you (or the person represented by the Page of Cups) could become annoying to others, and you may appear overly sensitive.

Like the other Pages, the Page of Cups can indicate immaturity for the life, area that suit represents. The Page of Cups is all about emotions, love and romance, but they are very childish in their pursuit of those things. When it comes to relationships, they can be quite selfish, moody, and silly. The way they act in relationships will not correspond to the age they are.

Sometimes, the Page of Cups can be a metaphor for a day-dreamer. The Page of Cups constantly has their head in the clouds when it comes to, not just their love lives but their careers and friendships. The Page of Cups likes to think about things a lot and can often lose time because they have their heads in the clouds.

Less frequently, the Page of Cups can predict an admirer who has their eyes set on you. If you’re single and looking for love, then the Page of Cups is a positive omen. 

The Page of Cups Love Tarot Meaning 

The Page of Cups can be positive in a love Tarot reading, depending on what you’re looking for in your partner. It can symbolize a lover who is sensitive, loving, and who cares about you.

However, The Page of Cups can also represent an individual who, although they have feelings about their lover, they can be emotionally immature and needy. They often only think of themselves and pacifying their wants and needs. If you’re this type of person, you may need to fix these traits if you want a lasting relationship. If you’re not, this card can serve as a warning that your love is not as mature as you think they are, especially if the Page appears in a future position.

If you’re single, the Page of Cups is a good card because it indicates you have an admirer. Someone wants to take you out, and another Court card close in proximity to this one will give you the character traits of this person.

(If you would like more love Tarot meanings for the Page of Cups, check out the Love Tarot Meanings E-Book here).

The Page of Cups Feelings Tarot Meaning

When it indicates what your lover or potential partner feels about you, the Page of Cups means that this person loves you. However, they have very immature ways of approaching love, and they often become infatuated with anyone who offers them attention. So, while you’re lucky that your partner loves you, your relationship will not be a mature one. 

The Page of Cups Future Tarot Meaning

When it lands in an outcome position, the Page of Cups can represent someone whom you are going to meet in the future. If the Page of Cups is a boy, they will be slightly feminine. If the Page of Cups is a girl, they will be tomboyish. Although they may be younger than you, the Page of Cups, character will be an important person in your life. 

Are you already in a serious relationship? It is common for The Page of Cups to appear in an outcome or future position before the birth of a child, especially when it is next to another birth/pregnancy card such as the Ace of Cups or The Empress.

The Page of Cups Business & Career Tarot Meaning

Although the Page of Cups is a neutral card, it is bizarre when it appears in a career context. The Page of Cups is generally not associated with business, or even, career.

It is possible that the Page of Cups symbolizes that you’re day-dreaming about your career but nothing has come into fruition yet. The Page of Cups can pop up when you’re not realistic about your goals or the effort needed to achieve them. 

The Page of Cups Yes or No Tarot Meaning

Page of Cups Tarot card meaning for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, positives, negatives, and more. Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck

General - The Page of Cups is a yes for love Tarot readings and is neutral for everything else. 

Do they like me? - Yes, this person admires you just as you admire them. 

Am I pregnant? - Some Tarot readers believe that the Page of Cups is a pregnancy card that represents the birth of a child or grandchild. 

Is this relationship going to last? - While the Page of Cups is a good card for relationships and feelings, it does not indicate whether or not your relationship is going to last. 

Does the future of this look promising? - I would say that the future of this matter looks promising as long as you are capable of controlling your emotions!

Am I going to reconcile with my ex? - The Page of Cups is neutral for the return of exes. In many cases, the Page of Cups predicts that you have a different admirer. 

The Page of Cups as a Negative, Weakness or Obstacle

When the Page of Cups appears in a negative, weakness or obstacle Tarot spread position, this means that you have taken a childish approach. You are too emotionally too immature to see this situation clearly. It is also possible that you are living in a fantasy, not reality - this situation is not what you think that it is. 

The Page of Cups can also pop up as an obstacle if your emotions hold you back. You do not have any prior experience of a situation like the one which you are in, so you do not know how to act. Although you are entitled to your feelings, try not to resort to manipulation or emotional blackmail as it will do nothing but work against you in this situation.

The Page of Cups as a Positive, Strength or Advantage

When the Page of Cups appears in a positive, strength or advantage Tarot spread position, this means that there is someone who has a romantic interest in you. The Page of Cups is a very good card to get if you are single and looking for a relationship. 

The Page of Cups will also pop up as a strength when you have a very caring, affectionate attitude. Other people will be very drawn to your gentleness. Your sensitivity will help you to stand out in a harsh world. 

Finally, the Page of Cups is a positive card because it shows that everyone in a certain situation has at least some level of emotional involvement. Everyone who is around you cares about you. You have many supporters.  

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    Art In a Tarot card reading, the Page of Cups in a spread can be a symbol of sensitivity, emotional immaturity and day dreaming,. This post includes a vintage and modern fortune telling meanings of the Page of Cups, ideal for the advanced reader or …

    Art In a Tarot card reading, the Page of Cups in a spread can be a symbol of sensitivity, emotional immaturity and day dreaming,. This post includes a vintage and modern fortune telling meanings of the Page of Cups, ideal for the advanced reader or those just learning the cards. These interpretations can be used with any of the decks (Rider Waite, Marseilles etc).

    The Page of Cups Tarot card meaning with the Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck. Focuses on feelings. The Page of Cups in Tarot represents emotional immaturity and sensitivity. It signifies a person who is soft and desires love and affection. The card can indicate immaturity in the area of emotions, love, and romance. It can also predict daydreaming tendencies and selfishness in relationships. However, it can also be a positive omen for those seeking love as it may indicate an admirer. The interpretation of the card depends on the other cards in the reading.

    The Page of Cups Tarot card meaning with the Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck. Focuses on love. The Page of Cups in a love Tarot reading can symbolize a sensitive and loving partner, but could also indicate emotional immaturity and neediness. For singles, it can indicate an admirer, and for partnered individuals, it may suggest that their partner loves them but has immature ways of approaching love.

    The Page of Cups Tarot card meaning with the Rider Waite Smith Deck. Focuses on love questions. Do they like me? - Yes, this person admires you just as you admire them. Is this relationship going to last? - While the Page of Cups is a good card for relationships and feelings, it does not indicate whether or not your relationship is going to last. The future of this relationship looks promising as long as you are capable of controlling your emotions! Am I going to reconcile with my ex? - In many cases, the Page of Cups predicts that you have a different admirer.

    Lisa Boswell Hendry

    I am an award-winning spiritual teacher. Her websites are visited by over 1 million people every single year. Her book, The Modern Oracle, was an Amazon best-seller and was published by Hachette.