The meaning of The Emperor Tarot card is ‘authority.’ Sometimes, The Emperor can predict that either you or your lover will become important.
The Emperor Tarot Card
Often, The Emperor can predict that you will achieve a level of status. Alternatively, you may be offered assistance from a person who you love and respect, and who has higher social standing than yourself. This person will have plans to pull you up in the world and give you opportunities that you cannot get yourself.
You are looking at power and stability, so keep this in mind when interpreting The Emperor card. How do power and stability relate to the question and the position in the spread you’re using? Often, this card symbolizes influential people who intend to help you in your career.
The Emperor is a reminder that you don’t know everything. Sometimes, you have to enlist the help of other people to get from point A to point B. The Emperor has lessons to teach.
However, there are cases where The Emperor will not be work-orientated. Because of the highly masculine energy, it could symbolize an important male figure in your life, such as a father or husband. If you are male, it could represent yourself, with the surrounding cards showing your concerns, priorities, hopes, and dreams.
The Emperor Love Tarot Meanings
Love & Relationships
Depending on your outlook and culture, The Emperor can be a favorable card to get for a love Tarot reading or your worst nightmare.
The Emperor predicts a lover who likes to be in control. He is your stereotypical man who expects his dinner made for him at 5pm and needs you to do all the cleaning. The Emperor is the epitome of male energy, and the card represents people who embody a very masculine personality type.
I’m Romany Gypsy, and in my culture, we like men to act manly in the traditional sense. Our partners take the wheel and can be quite domineering. We prefer men who are powerful and authoritative at home and within our communities. Therefore, an Emperor character would suit me fine, and a relationship with an Emperor character would probably last for a long time.
However, I understand that many women do not like men to be bossy, and dread the thought of them having the last word. If you fall into this category, The Emperor predicts a lover with whom you will not see eye to eye – you may find them to be old-fashioned and controlling.
(If you would like more love Tarot meanings for The Emperor card, check out the Love Tarot Meanings E-Book here.)
The Emperor Feelings Tarot Meaning
The meaning of The Emperor in a ‘feelings’ type of Tarot reading is rather similar to The Empress interpretation. The Emperor means that your lover wishes to take care of you. However, The Emperor also wants to be the provider; he will look after you. Your lover sees you as someone they can pay the bills for and take on dates. This means that they will not show affection in The Empress sense, but they will in less nurturing ways.
The Emperor Future Tarot Meaning
For most types of readings, The Emperor will appear in the future to symbolize a powerful person who will offer you a lot of advice. You will rub shoulders with individuals who can increase your influence. In some Tarot readings, The Emperor can even represent your own rise to fame.
If The Emperor falls into an outcome position of a love reading that looks very negative, your relationship with your partner will break down because of these reasons. However, if your relationship looks good, the future with your partner is set to last.
The Emperor Business & Career Tarot Meaning
The Emperor is probably one of the most desirable cards you can get for a business reading. It can predict that you will get the help and assistance of someone who will significantly improve your company; their advice will be invaluable. This person of influence will give you a hand to the top, so try to remain on their good side!
Obviously, when in employment, the above Tarot card meaning still applies. There will be an authority figure who will take an interest in you – they will attempt to improve your career because they can see your real potential. A promotion may be in your future.
The Emperor takes on the meaning of help and assistance from powerful people. An individual will come into your life who will assist you in building your career or getting ahead financially. Traditionally, this person is likely to be male.
The Emperor is a person who is going to enter your life and help you in your career. If you work for someone else, The Emperor represents a boss who is in a position of authority. If you are in business, The Emperor could represent a mentor.
Yes or No with The Emperor Tarot Meaning
General – For most types of readings, The Emperor is a yes, especially if you’re reading about finances, business, or career. However, there are strings attached!
Do they like me? – Yes, they like you.
Am I pregnant? – I would not read The Emperor as a pregnancy card.
Is this relationship going to last? – This relationship will last for the foreseeable future unless another Emperor character comes in and sweeps you off of your feet!
Does the future of this look promising? – This matter is only a yes if you’re willing to go out into the world and find your real-life Emperor character. If you’re not going to take your card’s advice and hire that mentor or visit that expert, you’re not going to get a good result in the future.
Am I going to reconcile with my ex? – I don’t think that your ex-lover is going to return to your life, but you will meet someone new.
The Emperor as a Negative, Weakness or Obstacle
When he appears in a negative, weakness, or obstacle spread position, The Emperor means that you will have to deal with men who like to be in control. This could lead to a power struggle, so try to nip any issues in the bud as soon as possible.
The Emperor can sometimes signal the presence of a controlling person in power. The card represents an individual who is standing in your way of achieving your goals.
The Emperor as a Positive, Strength or Advantage
Because The Emperor is a neutral Tarot card, it can appear as both a positive and a negative, especially if you’re using Tarot spreads with these positions. As a positive influence, the card predicts success and male figures who are willing to help you. You are The Emperor’s pet project, and they have a very strong interest in watching you succeed in life.
The Emperor will also appear as a positive if you have a partner who desires the traditional family set-up. Your lover is in search of someone they can settle down with for life.
Closing Thoughts on The Emperor Tarot Card Meaning
The Emperor will be a welcomed omen if you love the traditional styled relationships. However, if you’re the type of person who wants all roles split evenly down the middle, The Emperor may not be such a good thing. How would you interpret The Emperor’s Tarot card meaning? Would you say that he symbolises a strong leader, or a repressive tyrant?
Articles Related to The Emperor Tarot Card Meaning
There are more love Tarot card meanings on this website.
I have previously looked at The Emperor’s Aries symbolism when covering the Meanings of Animal Symbols on Tarot Cards.
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The Emperor Tarot card meaning. An illustration from the Major Arcana with the Rider Waite Tarot deck. Post by divination and fortune-telling with Tarot for love, romance and relationships. Ideal for readers who are just learning the interpretations.