The meaning of The Moon Tarot card is ‘deception.’ You could be being fooled by others. Alternatively, you may be expecting the worst from your friends, family, and lovers when in reality, they are devoted. Surrounding cards can give you clues if The Moon is trying to offer you reassurance or a red flag.
The Moon Tarot Card
The Moon makes a frequent appearance during affairs because it often represents mistakes. It can symbolize your partner’s secrets – or that you may be harboring a few secrets of your own. If you are, your secret is safe for now.
The Moon can also represent hidden enemies; perhaps those in your social circle do not always want what’s best for you. Alternatively, you could be the one who is fooling them. The Moon can be a warning to stay away from gossip and negativity for the time being.
With all that being said, continue down the path you’re on when The Moon comes up in a reading. Sometimes, you genuinely have to know the truth, and the only way to do this is to keep going. All may not be as bad as it seems; your insecurities are all that’s holding you back. The truth is also much better discovered than wondering ‘what if’ for the rest of your life.
Finally, many Tarot readers love The Moon because it’s a card associated with psychic ability, intuition, magic, and witches. I would say that The Moon is only really positive if it appears in a Tarot reading about one of these matters. Alternatively, if you have used magic to achieve a particular outcome, The Moon means that your spells will work.
The Moon Love Tarot Meaning
Love & Relationships
The Moon can go several ways in a love Tarot reading; this is especially true if you’re trying to discover where the relationship is heading. In some ways, The Moon is a positive card that represents intuition and women. I would read The Moon as a good card for lesbian couples. However, The Moon can sometimes appear in a relationship reading as an infidelity card, so if you’re reading on this specific matter, The Moon is not a welcome omen.
(If you would like more love and relationship Tarot meanings for The Moon, be sure to check out my Love Tarot Meanings E-Book.)
The Moon Feeling Tarot Meaning
If you would like to know your potential partner’s feelings, The Moon can mean that they don’t yet know how they feel toward you. This is also true in Tarot readings that are about reconciliation – your ex is unsure of their next move, so does not yet know if they want to come back to you.
The Moon Future Tarot Meaning
First and foremost, The Moon is one of those cards that doesn’t want to reveal the future. In this way, the Moon is very much like The High Priestess; it knows the answer but isn’t telling you. The card advises you to continue on the path you’re on and the future will reveal itself in its own time. All you can do for now is go with the flow and expect the unexpected.
The difference between The High Priestess and The Moon is that with The Moon, the future is usually not as it seems. Conversely, with The High Priestess, you can use your intuition to work out your partner’s intentions toward the relationship.
On a lighter note, because The Moon is associated with self-deception, it can predict that everything will turn out the opposite of what you expect. If you have a habit of thinking negatively or expecting the worst, The Moon is offering you reassurance that all is not as dire as you assume.
The Moon Business & Career Tarot Meaning
The Moon is not benevolent for business and career-orientated Tarot readings. I would say it predicts the presence of business associates who want to see you fail.
Deception is a common meaning for The Moon when it appears in your love Tarot reading.
The Moon is a warning to you not to share your business plans with other people. Keep yourself to yourself. Remember that, although you may think others in your industry are your friends, they're still competing. They could be contacting you only to get information from you and see what you're up to. Play your cards close to your chest.
The Moon is also a card that warns that you don’t know all the facts. There are things about running a company that you have not accounted for, and this can harm your bank balance and your business.
When The Moon appears in an outcome position, the future of your company or job is uncertain. That's not to say that there’s failure in your future, but there's also no guarantee that it will do well. Therefore, if the other Tarot cards offer advice, be sure to take it.
Yes or No with The Moon Tarot Meaning
General - As a yes or no, The Moon is one of those cards to which you’re not meant to know the answer Judgement or The High Priestess). However, I’ve found that the card often predicts the opposite of what you expect, so if you’re looking for a terrible outcome, things won’t turn out as bad as they seem.
Do they like me? – This person may be unsure of their feelings. With that being said, if you’re expecting the worst, the way they feel is probably not that bad.
Am I pregnant? – I would not read The Moon as a pregnancy card, as I feel that it symbolizes ovulation. However, it’s quite common among other Tarot readings to view The Moon as a card that indicates pregnancy.
Is this relationship going to last? – It’s unknown whether this relationship is going to survive.
Does the future of this look promising? – It is unknown whether the future of this matter looks positive.
Am I going to reconcile with my ex? – It is not known whether or not your ex-love is going to come back. However, if they do, they will not return to you for at least another month. I also advise you to give your ex space for the next month.
The Moon as a Negative, Weakness or Obstacle
The Moon will appear as a negative in a Tarot spread when there are many things you don’t know about. The truth of the situation is being hidden from you; this means that you cannot make decisions based on facts.
The Moon can also pop up as an obstacle or weakness if you’re a negative thinker. Instead of enjoying something for what it is, you’re always looking for what’s under the surface. Either way, stop trying to predict what you cannot change and enjoy the present.
The Moon as a Positive, Strength or Advantage
The Moon will appear as a strength if you have good intuition. It’s also possible that your suspicions of others will serve you well, as they prevent you from getting hurt; you’re not likely to fall for other people’s deceptions if The Moon appears as a positive in a spread.
In addition to the above points, The Moon will appear as positive when all is not as bad as it seems. You may be thinking negatively and expecting the worst because of past experiences, but that doesn’t mean the past is going to repeat itself.
Closing Thoughts on The Moon Tarot Card Meaning
For some Tarot readers, The Moon is a fabulous card predicting an increase in intuition, femininity, and symbolism. By contrast, for other diviners The Moon is not a welcomed omen as it can predict deception, lies, and even infidelity.
How do you feel about The Moon’s Tarot card meaning? Do you feel that it is good for diviners? Or, do you hate when The Moon pops up in your readings?
Related Articles for The Moon Tarot Card Meaning
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That’s all for The Moon Tarot card meaning! In my weekly newsletter, I share Tarot tips and teach Tarot readers like you how they can connect to their angels. Join today (for free) and grab your copy of Spiritual 101:
The Moon Tarot card meaning. An illustration from the Major Arcana with the Rider Waite Tarot deck. Post by divination and fortune-telling with Tarot for love, romance and relationships. Ideal for readers who are just learning the interpretations.
The Moon Tarot card meaning with the Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck. Focuses on feelings. The Moon card in Tarot symbolises deception, secrets, and hidden enemies. There is a lot about this situation which is hidden from you. When The Moon comes up in a reading, it is a message from your angels to keep going on your current path. You need to discover the truth on your own. Do not let insecurity hold you back.
The Moon Tarot card meaning with the Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck. Focuses on love. The Moon card in a love Tarot reading can represent intuition and women, making it a positive card for lesbian couples. However, it can also indicate infidelity, so it is not a welcome omen in relationship readings. If you want to know your potential partner's feelings or chances of reconciliation with an ex, The Moon can indicate uncertainty on their part.
The Moon Tarot card meaning with the Rider Waite Smith Deck. Focuses on love questions. Do they like me? – This person may be unsure of their feelings. Is this relationship going to last? – It’s unknown whether this relationship is going to survive. If you wish to know the future, you have no choice but to continue on the path you’re on. Am I going to reconcile with my ex? – It is not known whether or not your ex-love is going to come back. However, if they do, they will not return to you for at least another month. I also advise you to give your ex space for the next month.