The Four of Pentacles is the Tarot card meaning both possessions and possessiveness. Often, those who get this card are trying to hold onto what they have. In other words, you’re trying to grasp that shit with all your might and not let go!
The Four of Pentacles is associated with hoarding behavior. If you have recently received it, you will go through a period of clinging to what you have and not wanting (or be willing) to share it with anyone else. You may be unwilling to throw things away, which no longer serves you any benefit. This interpretation can apply to not just physical crap but also emotional stuff like relationships.
Possessive relationships can be represented by the Four of Pentacles. You want your lover all to yourself. You are unwilling to let them go. You probably come across as being needy and overly obsessive; your clinginess is starting to annoy your partner.
Financially, the Four of Pentacles can represent you removing your family members from your support. You do not feel as though you should be funding their lifestyle. Sometimes, this card can even symbolize cutting people out of your will and inheritance.
On a lighter note, because you have money to hoard, this card is a sign that your hard work will pay off. However, this card isn’t pulled by people who enjoy the rewards of hard work - you’re not a spender. Any money you make will accumulate.
Four of Pentacles Love Tarot Meaning
If you’re wondering what a potential mate is feeling, the Four of Pentacles is a double edge sword. It means that they are interested in you but at a price. The Four of Pentacles usually warns against a possessive and, even, an emotionally abusive partner who wants to keep you under the thumb.
Alternatively, the Four of Pentacles in a Tarot reading can mean that you’re the controlling partner. Your other half may be suffocated by your neediness, and the Four of Pentacles is telling you to cut that out.
(If you would like more love Tarot meanings for the Four of Pentacles, check out the Love Tarot Meanings e-book).
Four of Pentacles Feeling Tarot Meaning
When it appears as a feeling, the Four of Pentacles can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, the Four of Pentacles can predict a possessive person who does not wish to share you with anyone else. This person wants to have you spend all of your free time with them.
By contrast, in some Tarot readings, the Four of Pentacles can symbolize a person who holds on tightly to their time and energy. If your lover has been ignoring you, it is because they are not willing to share themselves with you. It is going to be very difficult for you to become a consistent part of their world.
Four of Pentacles Future Tarot Meaning
The Four of Pentacles can predict that you will have money which you hold onto or invest. You are not going to be going out on the two blowing your fortune; you are going to keep it all for yourself.
The Four of Pentacles can represent either you or your partner trying to hold onto the relationship when there is nothing left. The Four of Pentacles in the future position of a love reading is a bad omen because it means that the relationship will fail, but one partner will not allow the other to move on; this is clearly never a good sign.
Four of Pentacles in a Business & Career Tarot Reading
I often see the Four of Pentacles in business readings when people are not willing to spend to grow their business. You don’t see the point in investing in what you deem as something which is unnecessary for your company. The Four of Pentacles is telling you that the frugal approach is not doing you any favors.
At other times, the Four of Pentacles comes up when business owners are financially secure but do not want to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Instead of going out and indulging yourself, all you do is save and invest. This all work no play approach is not doing your spiritual and emotional wellbeing any favors; you’ve gotta live a little!
The Four of Pentacles as a Yes or No
General - If you’re asking if something is going to be financially successful, or if your question has anything to do with saving and investments, the answer is a yes. For everything else, the answer is up dependent on context.
Do they like me? - Yes, they like you, but they might be a little possessive. Alternatively, they may like, you but they are being guarded with their time.
Am I pregnant? - The Four of Pentacles is not a Tarot card, which I would typically associate with pregnancy.
Is this relationship going to last? - This relationship may last but at a cost to your freedom. The Four of Pentacles is not a card of happy marriages.
Does the future of this look promising? - Yes, the Four of Pentacles can predict an abundant future.
Am I going to reconcile with my ex? - Your ex will not come back soon because they are too guarded with their personal time and space. However, that is not to say that they will not be back in the future.
Four of Pentacles as a Negative, Weakness or Obstacle
When the Four of Pentacles appears in a Tarot spread as a negative, weakness, or obstacle, this means that you will not be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor because you will spend too much time and effort holding onto the money you make.
Alternatively, the Four of Pentacles can pop up as a negative in a Tarot spread when you cannot let go of certain behaviors, patterns, or people. The Four of Pentacles can also mean that you have a controlling attitude.
Four of Pentacles as a Positive, Strength or Advantage
When the Four of Pentacles appears in a Tarot spread as a positive, strength, or advantage, this can mean that you will have money which you can save and invest. Although you will hold on to your money, you will at least not be blowing it all on non-essentials.
That’s all for the Four of Pentacles Tarot card meanings! In my weekly newsletter, I share Tarot tips and teach Tarot readers like you how they can connect to their angels. Join today (for free) and grab your copy of Spiritual 101:
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Art Illustration: In a Tarot card reading, The Four of Pentacles in a spread can be a symbol of hoarding and gifts. This post includes a vintage and modern fortune telling meanings of The 4 of Pentacles, ideal for the advanced reader or those just learning the cards. These interpretations can be used with any of the decks (Rider Waite, Marseilles etc).