In the last year or so, my spirituality has evolved in ways I did not expect:
🕊️ The spirits I work with has changed. I began working more with the angelic realms as opposed to only working with ancestral spirits.
☁️ The strength of their ‘signal’ has evolved. I feel a lot stronger spiritually and my intuition has increased 10x.
🪶 I heard my new spiritual name ‘Cloudy’. Instead of keeping to myself (as I did with my last spiritual name), I was ‘told’ to share it with the world.
I would like to discuss these matters and how I personally feel about them.
I see this post as an opportunity to be open and share with you all where I currently stand. Even though I’m already a spiritual teacher, there was a part of me that resisted these changes, which some of you may find surprising. One of the reasons for my resistance was because these changes required me to embrace a new identity.
My Spiritual Name
While changing my name was challenging, I actually found it easier to handle than the spiritual transition, which I’ll discuss shortly. I’ve never been particularly attached to my current or previous spiritual name, which I’d prefer not to share here, as I haven’t spoken about it publicly. I am also not attached to my legal name.
So when I was given my new spiritual name, Cloudy, it didn’t feel weird to me. In fact, the name is quite similar to many of my family members’ names, like my aunts and uncles. I just accepted it.
I do find it a bit strange to tell people my spiritual name. For the past 10 years, I had a different spiritual name that I never revealed or spoke about. So, publicly sharing this new spiritual name and saying, 'This is my new spiritual identity,' is new to me.
Other than the fact that I feel uncomfortable sharing my spiritual name, the idea of being known by another name carries a lot of risk.
Everyone knows me by my legal name, Lisa Boswell Hendry, and I’ve been recognised by that name in the spiritual community for 12 years. So the thought of sharing my spiritual name and essentially changing my public identity to that name raised some concerns for me.
As a spiritual teacher, this is my livelihood, and many people find my website by searching for 'Lisa Boswell' or 'Lisa Boswell Hendry.' I worried that if I started going by my spiritual name, it could affect me financially. I had to consider how this might impact my visibility—whether people would still recognise and remember me. This fear of the unknown contributed to my resistance to changing my name.
However, by not changing my name, I have this lingering sense of unfinished business. I can feel my spirits nudging me, saying:
“You know you’ll have to change your name eventually.”
I know I do, but when? So that’s been preoccupying my thoughts lately.
Spirit Connections
My husband and I have been discussing this matter a lot recently.
For as long as I’ve been a spiritual teacher, I’ve been known for my ancestral work—building connections with ancestors and being recognised as someone who teaches 'ancestor work.' That has been a huge part of my identity, just as much as being a spiritual teacher. Maybe I’m overestimating how much I’m known for it, but it’s always felt like such a major part of my life and teachings. So when I started receiving angelic communication, I was very resistant. I thought, 'No, that’s not what I do, and that’s not who I am.’
I’ve come to realise that who I am is always evolving. My identity is shifting, and the spirits I connect with are changing. This change makes me nervous because I’m unsure where it will lead. I think we all have a deep fear of what others will think. It is natural to ask, “Do I look inconsistent?”
Since I’ve always guided people to connect with their ancestors, I worried that transitioning to talking about angels might cause some of my students to question me. They might think, “This isn’t who you are, this isn’t what you teach.” Those doubts made me grasp to my old identity, making me feel resistant to the change.
In the meantime, I found myself holding on so tightly to the past that I went through phases where I questioned whether I even wanted to continue as a spiritual teacher. I thought, “I don’t like how things are changing or evolving. Do I still want to do this?”
But it wasn’t that I didn’t want to—spirituality is my life, my everything. I’ve been doing readings since I was seven years old, and it’s all I really know. It’s what I love, and I feel deep down that it’s my life’s calling. But for some reason, I struggled to break away from the teachings and the identity I’d built. Changing my name and becoming known as a teacher of something new felt overwhelming.
I kept telling myself, 'I’m not teaching this new thing. I don’t want to talk about angels or any of that.' But deep down, my intuition was telling me, 'You can, and you have to. This is your new path now.' That’s where the resistance came from. I was so reluctant that I thought, 'If I have to go down this path, maybe I don’t want to do this anymore.' I was afraid of appearing inconsistent and unsure of how it would all unfold.
Recently, while my husband and I were on a walk, I was talking about all of this, and it hit me that much of my resistance stemmed from fear—fear of change. I was afraid of what would happen if I changed my name or started teaching about angels, the fear of the unknown. I also realised that many of my worries were about what other people would think, and I usually don’t see myself as someone who cares about that. But for some reason, this time I really did, I realised I needed to get over those fears. I had to let them go.
About a week ago, my husband Alfie and I were standing in front of a statue of Archangel Michael, and I received this download, a message from the angel. It said, 'You know what? Just get over it. Get over yourself and just do it. It’s not that big of a deal.' I realised I was holding onto something that no longer served me. In that moment, I thought, 'I’m going to go down this road.’
Every single day since then, I’ve pulled Tarot cards which feature angels - the Wheel of Fortune, the Queen of Cups, and Temperance more than once. I teach my students that Temperance is the card of the guardian angel.
Resistance to Change
Cards I’ve been pulling recently
The funny thing is, ever since I’ve been feeling resistance towards my new path and destiny, I’ve been sick. At first, I didn’t think all of this had anything to do with my illness, but now I am starting to question whether or not it does.
About six weeks ago, I caught COVID, and it feels like I’ve never fully recovered. I’ve had this constant feeling of sickness every single day. And now that I think about it, I believe part of it is spiritual sickness. While I do feel physically ill, I think this illness is being worsened because I’ve been resisting this new psychic path that’s opening up to me. I’m blocking it, and that’s why these things have been happening.
I’ve come to realise that my resistance to this new awakening is what’s holding me back. Embracing my spiritual name, Cloudy, and openly talking about angels has been weighing heavily on me. By resisting it, I haven’t been able to move forward. But now, I feel like I’ve finally woken up and decided that this is the time—it’s going to happen for me now.
I just wanted to write this blog post, publish it, and share with everyone where I’m at and how everything has unfolded. I simply want to put it out there and talk about the spiritual changes I have been experiencing. I’m sure many other psychics can relate to my story.
Future Changes
To be honest, other than going by my spiritual name and sharing my work with angels, I don’t think much will change. I’m more determined than ever to teach divination and psychic development!
I plan to be more active on social media. My angels and ancestors are telling me to put myself out there more, so I guess this is where I am heading.
My weekly newsletter is going to have a new upgrade. I am going to be sharing more symbol breakdowns, including their history, meaning, etc. This is something I am looking forward to.
If you’re not on my newsletter, you can sign up here:
Until next time, have a great week and happy divining,