Future Tarot Meanings: Six of Pentacles — Lisa Boswell

Future Tarot Meanings: Six of Pentacles

The main meaning of the Six of Pentacles is that it is a card of sharing. Often, this card represents giving or receiving financial assistance, but in some cases, it can symbolize generosity with love, feelings, support, etc.

Typically, the Six of Pentacles predicts that charity being given and received. If you are in financial hardship and have received the Six of Pentacles, you will be given a chance to recover. Perhaps you will be given a bank loan or get help from a friend or family member to cover your costs for the time being. If you re doing well financially, then you will be the one to give assistance.

It is possible that the Six of Pentacles represents gifts and presents. Of course, engagements can come under this interpretation, but so can birthday gifts, so try not to get too excited if you’re waiting on your partner popping the question!

In some cases, the Six of Pentacles can mean that you must take the initiative. Extra hard work and keenness to get the job done will not go unnoticed by those around you or other people in your industry. This is one of the few occasions when I would recommend that you do a little bit of ass-kissing so that you can get what you want.

Art Illustration: Discover the Six of Pentacles Tarot card meaning for love and relationships. Learn the meaning of the Six of Pentacles for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no…

Although the above meanings sound rather promising, there are more sinister interpretations associated with the Six of Pentacles. Firstly, you should worry about your financial situation; why would you be in the predicament that someone needs to help you out by giving you money? Secondly, the Six of Pentacles can represent someone in your life who only sticks around out of pity, which is, of course, not a good omen.

Six of Pentacles Love Tarot Meaning 

The Six of Pentacles is rather good for love Tarot readings. The card means that your partner (or future partner) is willing to support you in the foreseeable future, especially if the Six of Pentacles appears in an outcome position. Your lover will be generous with you and always consider your feelings.

I will say, however, that there is this theme of impermanence in the Six of Pentacles. The card represents charity, and giving for now, but that doesn’t mean that this will continue into the future. That’s not to say that your relationship won’t last the long-term; it just means that you should enjoy the present because you don’t know what tomorrow might bring.

If you would like more love Tarot meanings for the Six of Pentacles, check out the Love Tarot Meanings e-book, which is now in its second edition.

Six of Pentacles Feeling Tarot Meaning

If you’re wondering how someone feels about you, there is the possibility that they think they have to protect you and your feelings. They feel as though they have to put a little extra effort in, be considerate and go the extra mile. 

Obviously, you will want a lover who considers your feelings. But, if the Tarot reading looks negative or the Six of Pentacles is appearing in a negative Tarot spread position, this can mean that they feel sorry for you. You do not want your partner to pity you, as this can set a bad dynamic for your relationship. 

Six of Pentacles Future Tarot Meaning

When it appears in the future or outcome position of a Tarot spread, the Six of Pentacles can mean that other people are going to come to you with their hand out in the future. Alternatively, the Six of Pentacles can mean that you will have to help someone else out. 

For love Tarot readings, the Six of Pentacles in a future or outcome position means that your lover will always be considerate of how you feel. That is not to say that you are going to be together forever, but they will always care about you. 

Six of Pentacles Career & Business Tarot Meanings

The Six of Pentacles can represent you borrowing money for your business. If you can afford to pay back a loan, great, but if not beware as you may be putting yourself in a bad financial predicament. 

In career both business and career Tarot readings, I often interpret the Six of Pentacles as a prediction that you will help others out. Although this can be a good thing, I would watch who you help as they may start to take advantage of you or take credit for your work. 

Six of Pentacles as a Yes or No

Six of Pentacles Tarot card meaning for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, positives, negatives, and more. Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck.png

General - In most types of Tarot readings, the Six of Pentacles is a neutral card representing neither a yes or a no.

Do they like me? - There is a possibility that they feel sorry for you. 

Am I pregnant? - No, the Six of Pentacles is not a card that is typically associated with pregnancy and conception. 

Is this relationship going to last? - Your lover will always care about you, but there is no guarantee that your relationship will last forever. However, for some readers, the Six of Pentacles is a Tarot card that predicts engagements. 

Does the future of this look promising? - Yes, the future looks promising. 

Am I going to reconcile with my ex? - Your ex will care about your feelings, but that does not mean that they will definitely come back. 

Six of Pentacles as a Negative, Weakness or Obstacle

When the Six of Pentacles appears in a negative, weakness, or obstacle Tarot spread position, this can mean that you are going to help others at the cost of yourself. Other people will take advantage of the fact that you’re always there for them. You will feel as though your relationships are one-sided.

Six of Pentacles as a Positive, Strength or Advantage

When the Six of Pentacles appears in a positive, strength, or advantage Tarot spread position, this can mean that you are going to receive a lot of help from other people. Individuals who are in a better position than you will offer you charity or assistance. There is support there if this is what you need. 

In other types of readings, the Six of Pentacles will appear as a positive to symbolize gifts and presents. Sometimes the Six of Pentacles can even symbolize marriage proposals. 

That’s all for the Six of Pentacles Tarot card meanings! In my weekly newsletter, I share Tarot tips and teach Tarot readers like you how they can connect to their angels. Join today (for free) and grab your copy of Spiritual 101:

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    Art Illustration: In a Tarot card reading, The Six of Pentacles in a spread can be a symbol of gifts and charity. This post includes a vintage and modern fortune telling meanings of The 6 of Pentacles, ideal for the advanced reader or those just lea…

    Art Illustration: In a Tarot card reading, The Six of Pentacles in a spread can be a symbol of gifts and charity. This post includes a vintage and modern fortune telling meanings of The 6 of Pentacles, ideal for the advanced reader or those just learning the cards. These interpretations can be used with any of the decks (Rider Waite, Marseilles etc).

    Lisa Boswell Hendry

    I am an award-winning spiritual teacher. Her websites are visited by over 1 million people every single year. Her book, The Modern Oracle, was an Amazon best-seller and was published by Hachette.