Do you find yourself doing lots of love Tarot card readings, for yourself or others? Would you like to know how to give love Tarot readings, or improve on your love readings whether you’re reading for love, relationships, romance, feelings, compatibility or more? Well you’re in the right place because I am about to give you some tips!
Over the years, I have performed thousands of love readings for both myself and others. In fact, if it wasn’t for love readings I don’t know if I would be reading as frequently as I do! Even to this day, I am still performing love readings on myself. I love readings so much, that I even wrote whole e-books on the subject!
My students always say that love is the one area they are asked the most about, but which they always struggle with. They get stuck on interpreting the answers they get, they feel confused over court cards and don’t use the right spreads for the job.
So, with those concerns in mind, here are my top tips for giving more accurate love Tarot readings for yourself and others. And, if you resonated with these tips, feel free to check out my Love Tarot e-books, which will get you giving amazing (and accurate) predictive love Tarot readings in a day or two.
Here are my tips:
Relax and Write
If you’re performing an emotionally charged reading, especially one where you’re reading yourself, usually your feelings are all over the place. Even though you may desperately want the reading, you can trick yourself into not actually reading the reading because all you’re concentrating on is the panic in your brain.
I suggest that you write down your question quickly before performing your reading, even if it is only scribbled on a small scrap of paper. Writing down your question prior to the reading means that you’re not second guessing what your original question was about. This way, you can interpret your cards without bias.
Use the Right Spread
Using the right Tarot spread for the job is probably one of the main things you can do when performing a love reading. If you do not usually use spreads, I suggest you use them just for the purpose of emotionally charged readings because they can give you a bit of direction when you’re feeling stuck and lost.
If you don’t use the right spread, you can begin to either imagine the worst or pick up on things which aren’t there. Even more depressing, is that you can perform the reading only to not get a proper answer on what you’re dying to know about, whether that’s how your lover feels or the influence other people have on them.
If this sounds like you, I have spreads just for love in my Love Tarot Spreads e-book, which you should check out here.
Ask spirits for help
When I am teaching divination, I tend to separate pretty much every type and method into 3 parts; spirituality, meanings and techniques. If your readings aren’t great (or you need to improve on them) there will usually be one of these areas which you’re needing to develop.
Let’s assume that you know all of the Tarot card meanings and you’re experienced enough to employ a couple of techniques here and there (you know what significators are, for example). But, you’re still struggling. Therefore, the area you need to look at is your psychic and spiritual connections.
Working with spirits, even if they’re spirits close to you, is what distinguishes readers from true diviners. Readers only read cards, but diviners divine.
Before you even perform a relationship Tarot reading, ask the spirits around you for help. Usually, these spirits will be people you know and trust (relatives and ancestors) so there is no need to feel scared or weird. Ask them to help you interpret your reading, calm your anxiety and bring forward their wisdom; you’ll be surprised at the accuracy of your readings once you do this step.
Don’t Read too Frequently
This may sound a little obvious, but the most basic rule of Tarot reading, is not to read on the same thing too often. If you make a habit of reading the same issue over and over again, it’s as good as shaking a magic 8 ball.
If you finding you’re getting confusing or conflicting messages, put your Tarot cards away and don’t read on the issue again for either 6 weeks, or when the situation changes and develops further.
Take into Account Progression and Regression
Another little advanced Tarot technique I like to use is something I call progression and regression. I don’t use this technique every time, just when my intuition and ancestors tell me to notice that shit!
Basically, you’re looking for either suits or grades to advance up or down. So, an Ace of Cups in the present and a 10 of Cups in the future is an example of progression. By contrast, a 10 of Cups in the present and an Ace of Cups in the future is an example of regression.
If a suit or grade progresses, this can mean that the relationship will also progress. The Ace of Cups in the present shows that the relationship is new, but in the future it will develop into, say, a wedding (10 of Cups).
By contrast, if a suit regresses, this can mean that the relationship will not get past the initial stages of love. I generally tend to read Aces in the outcome positions of Tarot spreads negatively for the reason that it can often mean that a relationship will not grow into something more.
Make Sure you’re Reading the Right Areas
This is my most important tip of all for doing love Tarot readings, and I have left it till last because I want to build up to this, to emphasize its importance: if you're reading your Tarot cards on love, you must also make sure you read on the right areas.
So often, I would read a spread on me and a boyfriend. There would be a number of things I wanted to know. Would the relationship last? How did they feel? What was his intentions? Was he afraid of commitment? And so on. By the end of my reading, I always felt as though I was left with more questions than answers because what I really wanted to know wasn’t being covered.
It is not enough to just throw down cards and say, “Tell me about me and Jack’s relationship”. You must make sure that you’re covering everything you wish to know about whether that’s Jack’s feelings, the influence of his mother, what Jack thinks about you, everything.
Again, this is why having the right spread comes in handy. If you have got the right Tarot spread, you can cover all of your basis and find out what it is you are dying to know.
Sometimes, you may want to know a lot which means that you might have to do a couple of pulls or several spreads. It may sound like a lot of effort, but it is much better to answer your questions with several spreads in one session than it is to half do a reading, run off into the sunset, forget it, then wish you had read on Jack’s intentions and the level of commitment he wants to bring to the relationship.
(And, if you’re looking for a psychic in the Kansas City area, be sure to check out Catiara).
Master Court Cards
The vast majority of confusion over love readings stems from an inability to interpret Courts. It is not that readers do not know the meanings of Court cards, it is that they do not know the techniques behind reading them.
I have a couple of different ways which I teach my students to read Court cards. One way, is to read them based on the power dynamic of the relationship.
Reading Tarot Courts for love relationships is different from reading them for relationships where the balance of power is unequal. For example, if I was to read a parent/child relationship I would take all of the lower grades (Knights and Pages) to represent the child and all upper grades (Queens and Kings) to represent the parent. However, relationship readings are different.
In love readings, it is very common for other people to play key roles in relationships. Therefore, I take all Queens to represent the female in the relationship, all Kings to represent the man and all Pages and Knights to represent outsiders such as friends or family members.
Assigning grades to yourself and your lover has its advantages. Let’s say you’re female. You are performing a reading on what is wrong with your relationship. The King keeps coming up as a challenge; this means that your lover is the problem, not you. If it’s a King of Swords, then this means that your lover is too cold and distant for the relationship. If the Queen of Cups comes up, you’re too emotional. If the Knight of Wands comes up, then an outsider is a negative influence on either you or your partner.
That is all for how you can perform Tarot card readings for love! Feel free to grab the free guide here:
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Tarot reading tips for performing love card readings! Here, you will find tips by divination and fortune telling for spreads on relationships, partnerships, self and more! Deck and art is The Rider Waite Tarot. Advice for beginners just learning the meanings or a pro!