Accurate Rider Meanings and Combinations

Accurate Rider Meanings and Combinations

Do you want to know what the meaning of the Lenormand Rider card is? Are you curious about what the Rider’s combinations might be? Here is how to read the Lenormand Rider card! (Also known as The Horseman or Cavalier). Includes Rider meanings for love, timing, as a person and more!

Multiple Tens in a Tarot Reading

Multiple Tens in a Tarot Reading

You’ve done it. You have thrown a Tarot spread on a matter you really care about (love, relationships, career etc) and you have flipped them over. Suddenly, you notice an enigma – you have lots of Tens in your Tarot spread! What is the meaning of this phenomenon? If you’re curious to discover what it means when you receive multiple Tens in your Tarot reading, then read on!

Multiple Nines in a Tarot Reading

Multiple Nines in a Tarot Reading

What does it mean when you receive two, three, or even, four Nines in your Tarot card reading? Is there any special significance to getting lots of Nines in your Tarot reading? If you have ever received multiple number Nines in your Tarot card reading and are curious about what the meanings are, you’ve come to the right place!

Multiple Fours in a Tarot Reading

Multiple Fours in a Tarot Reading

What is the significance of receiving lots of Fours in your Tarot card spread? What does it mean when you get four, three, or two Fours in your love, business, career, or general Tarot reading? Do you wonder if multiple 4s have any special significance? Wonder no more because below I am going to give you the low down on what it predicts when you receive lots of fours in your Tarot reading!