Strength Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More

The meaning of the Strength Tarot card, as the name implies, is ‘strength’. When you have received this card, it means you will use your inner power to overcome a difficulty in your love life or other relationships. Strength means that you must stay strong and remain vigilant, whether that’s emotionally, spiritually, mentally, or physically. 

Strength Tarot Card

Strength signals care and attentiveness. It’s common to see this card when you’ve been in declining health. In a way, Strength is a classic health Tarot card. Healing is possible if you make an effort to push through treatment. It is advised that during this time, you take care of your personal wants and needs – don’t feel guilty about saying no.

In other cases, if you’re a parent, Strength can indicate that you’re caring for a child, especially if Strength appears in combination with a card such as the Six of Cups. Strength can also symbolize an increase in force, power, and energy. Perhaps it marks a time when you will be (or should be!) visiting the gym and overhauling your lifestyle? Increase your activity levels and stick to a healthy diet.

The Strength Tarot card interpretations for love and relationships. Learn the meaning of Strength for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, positives, neg…

The typical design of a woman overpowering a lion speaks volumes about Strength’s interpretation. You must use your logic, talents, and morality to overcome any challenges you face. Strength is often a positive sign that good will triumph over evil. Strength can represent you taking care of someone else in your job (as a carer) or in your personal life. 

Sometimes, the Strength card can serve as advice that you should be firm. Stick up for yourself. Have the strength to stand tall against anyone who tries to knock you down.

Strength Love Tarot Meaning

Love & Relationships

Many readers get rather confused when Strength appears in a love Tarot reading, as help and assistance aren’t usually associated with love. Some Tarot pros read Strength positively because they say it shows persistence in the relationship. However, I read it differently. 

I would say that having Strength pop up in a love reading reflects an imbalance of effort. It says to me that you’re the one giving your all to the relationship while your partner sits back. You’re the one who does all the chasing – you know this, and it’s starting to give you cause for concern. 

When you’re performing a reading, you want to ask yourself why one card would show up instead of another, especially if you feel like your cards are not giving you a straight answer. There are many more desirable love cards to come up than Strength. What is it about the power dynamic in your relationship that makes it so noticeable as a major theme in the future? Why would this turn up instead of the love you have for each other? 

Alternatively, if your relationship is happy, Strength can predict that you will have to look after your partner in older age due to declining health - this is always a possibility if you believe your relationship will last for the long-term.

(If you would like more love and relationship Tarot meanings for Strength, be sure to check out my Love Tarot Meanings e-book).

Strength Feelings Tarot Meaning

Generally, if you want to know your partner’s feelings for you, Strength can mean they care for you, but that they want you to do all the chasing. This person is hard work. Despite the fact that they care about you and you care about them, this person requires a lot more effort than most are willing to give. 

Strength can also mean that your partner relies on you too much for your support, so much so that it’s notable in your reading; you always have to stay strong for them. You support them either emotionally or financially. They may even have you walking on eggshells, always trying hard to protect their feelings. But what about your feelings?

Strength Future Tarot Meaning

When it pops up in a future or outcome position of a Tarot reading, Strength predicts that you will have to be strong in the future. It can sometimes mean that you’re carrying emotional baggage and responsibility on behalf of a loved one. 

Strength appearing in an outcome position of a love Tarot reading shows that you will support your partner for the foreseeable future. It also looks like you’ll be the one who tries to keep the relationship together; the outcome could be dependent on how long you’re willing to do this. If you’re happy to continue with this dynamic, the relationship will last a while longer. However, if you’re tired of your partner, Strength does not predict a long and happy future for the relationship.

Strength in the future of a reading can also mean that you will handle whatever is thrown your way. What you fear now will not be that bad when it happens. This is especially true if you have a fear-based card in the present, such as the Nine of Swords

Strength Business & Career Tarot Meaning

The Strength card looks better for career readings than it does for love readings, but is still not a slam-dunk-guaranteed rosy future.

Strength Love Tarot Meaning

Care is a common meaning for Strength, especially when it appears in a love and relationship Tarot reading.

Strength is an okay card to get for a business or career reading because it predicts persistence. Persistence is needed to grow a company, and this card says that you have it inside you to push forward and get things done.

However, if Strength appears in the outcome position of a business or career reading, it means that the outcome of your effort is uncertain. All that the card predicts is that you will attempt to put in the effort – it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get anything back in return. I would still take Strength as a positive omen, because it tells me that you will at least try a monumental feat. I advise you to read this matter again once you’re a bit further forward.

Yes or No with Strength Love Tarot Meaning

General – For all health-related or endurance questions, Strength is a yes. However, for all other types of readings, Strength does not predict a yes or no. Strength is telling you to remain strong, nothing more.  

Do they like me? – Yes, this person likes you, but they like their relationships to have a certain dynamic; they want you to be the one taking care of them. 

Am I pregnant? – Some people do interpret Strength as a pregnancy card. 

Is this relationship going to last? – Your relationship is going to last for as long you’re willing to carry your partner emotionally. 

Does the future of this look promising? – The future of this matter looks challenging and difficult, but you can handle it. If you keep pushing on, the more distant future will be much more promising. 

Strength Tarot card meaning for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, positives, negatives, and more. Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck.

Am I going to reconcile with my ex? – For reconciliations, Strength predicts that you will heal from your ex. Eventually, you will not want them back and wonder what you ever saw in them in the first place.

Strength as a Negative, Weakness or Obstacle 

When it appears in a negative, weakness, or obstacle Tarot spread position, the energy of Strength can become a problem. You give too much of yourself to people who haven’t earned it. You’re willing to accept less than you deserve. If this is the case, you need to build some self-respect and demand to be treated in the same way you treat others.

Strength as a Positive, Strength or Advantage

Strength will appear in a positive, strength, or advantage spread position when you’re strong enough to deal with any obstacle that’s thrown your way. Currently, there may be days when you feel as though you cannot cope, but this is not the case.

Closing Thoughts on the Strength Tarot Card Meaning

Although it is difficult to interpret in a real reading, Strength is pretty straightforward. Sometimes this straightforwardness can make interpreting Strength’s meaning more challenging!

How do you feel about Strength when it appears in your Tarot readings? Do you struggle to interpret its meaning? Or, are you comfortable with this card?

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    Strength Tarot card meaning. An illustration from the Major Arcana with the Rider Waite Tarot deck. Post by divination and fortune-telling with Tarot for love, romance and relationships. Ideal for readers who are just learning the interpretations.

    Strength Tarot card meaning. An illustration from the Major Arcana with the Rider Waite Tarot deck. Post by divination and fortune-telling with Tarot for love, romance and relationships. Ideal for readers who are just learning the interpretations.

    Lisa Boswell Hendry

    I am an award-winning spiritual teacher. Her websites are visited by over 1 million people every single year. Her book, The Modern Oracle, was an Amazon best-seller and was published by Hachette.