Judgement Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More!

The meaning of the Judgement Tarot card is ‘result.’ When it pops up in your Tarot reading, Judgment predicts that you’re about to get an outcome in your love life or relationships. If you’re uncertain about your future, you will soon get the answers you’re desperately seeking.

Judgement Tarot Card

Significant life-changing events are often about to take place when Judgment comes out in a reading. In a way, Judgment is the card of transition from one state to another. Relationships can go from dating to marriage or dating to break-ups. Jobs can go to promotions or annex. Judgment marks the time when all the effort you’ve put in will result in one thing or another, whether that’s for better or worse.

Judgement Tarot card interpretations for love and relationships. Learn the meaning of Judgement for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, positives, negat…

Sometimes, Judgment can signal a life-changing opportunity. Decisions around this opportunity will need to be made swiftly because there will be a time limit. The choices you make during this period will affect the rest of your life and should not be taken lightly. However, too much waiting around weighing up the pros and cons can result in loss.

At other times, Judgment represents the realization of a calling and the force of destiny. You should not ignore that burning inside you to realize your dreams; you only have one life to live – make it count.

While Judgement is not a negative Tarot card, situations that surround it will be painful for you at the time. As you achieve your destiny with Judgement, many people will enter and leave your life. Although this may be very difficult for you, all will work out in your best interests.

Judgment Love Tarot Meanings

Love & Relationships

Judgment is generally neutral for love Tarot readings. It can be a sign that the relationship is meant to be and is part of a bigger plan. Whether that means that you’re soulmates or you’re supposed to learn lessons from this union depends entirely on the other cards.

Personally, I feel that Judgement is a reassuring card if you want an ex-lover to return. Judgment is telling you that if it’s meant to be, they will return. Therefore, if you have reason to believe that your ex is ‘the one’, a reconciliation will happen in the future. However, if they prove not to be the love of your life, someone greater is out there for you; meanwhile, this current person is holding you back. 

(If you would like more love and relationship Tarot meanings for Judgement, be sure to check out my Love Tarot Meanings e-book). 

Judgement Feelings Tarot Meaning

When you’re asking your Tarot cards if someone has feelings for you, Judgement can be a bit of a pain in the ass. Judgment is one of those cards (like The High Priestess and Justice), that doesn’t like to reveal another person’s motives; you have to figure them out for yourself. All will be disclosed in its own time.  

Judgment Future Tarot Meaning

Judgment will appear in the outcome position of a Tarot spread to indicate that soon, all will be revealed. While this may be frustrating, you will know more about this matter in a very short period of time. 

In general readings, Judgement will pop up in a future position to represent a life-changing opportunity. If you ignore this opportunity or wait to make a choice, you will lose and live to regret it. Make snappy decisions. 

Judgment in an outcome position of a love Tarot reading means that something will happen in the future that will impact your relationship forever. That’s not to say that anything bad will come of it; it just means that situations will come about that will make or break your partnership. When this happens, you have to make decisions yourself, because the cards can’t advise you on a course of action at this time. 

Judgement Love Tarot Meaning

Results’ is a common meaning for Judgement when it appears in your love Tarot reading.

Judgment Business & Career Tarot Meaning

The Judgment card will appear in business, and career-orientated Tarot readings if what you're doing professionally is your calling. I believe that, although we have free will, there are some things which are in our greatest interest, so the universe comes together to make it happen (our destiny). This card in a spread shows that the universe, God, and the spirits favor your new direction, so they will do all they can to assist you.

Judgment can also predict a time in your career when everything will snap into place for you. Your psychological blocks will be lifted, and you will find innovative ways of solving any issues your company has. Strange coincidences and events will happen: you'll get signs from the other side, which will help you with business and career matters. Expect divine assistance in making your dreams a reality.

Yes or No with Judgement Tarot Meaning

General – Judgment is a neutral card for most types of Tarot readings, but can sway more toward a yes if the other cards in your spread look promising. If you’re performing a reading on a fundamental, life-changing matter, Judgement is a “Yes, but move quickly!”

Judgement Tarot card meaning for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, positives, negatives, and more. Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck.

Do they like me? – You are not meant to know whether this person likes you. Do not try to force anything – all will be revealed in its own time. 

Am I pregnant? – I would not read Judgement as a pregnancy card, but some Tarot readers do. 

Is this relationship going to last? – This relationship will only last if it’s meant to be. If not, there’s something better for you out there. 

Does the future of this look promising? – The future of this matter looks promising if you make decisions quickly. However, be warned – the outcome you achieve may cause some people around you to leave your life. 

Am I going to reconcile with my ex? – If you’re meant to be with your lover, they will return to you. If it’s not meant to be, your ex will not come back. However, don’t worry, as you will find out soon. 

Judgment as a Negative, Weakness or Obstacle 

When it appears in a negative, weakness, or obstacle Tarot spread position, Judgment can be a sign that what you’re aiming for is not meant to be. If this is the case, the universe will work against you and the outcome will fall out of your control.

Judgment as a Positive, Strength or Advantage

When it appears in a positive, strength, or advantage Tarot spread position, Judgment is reassurance that what you’re trying to achieve is within your destiny. The universe and the spirits around you are going to keeping pushing and clearing paths so that you can glide toward your birthright.

Closing Thoughts on the Judgement Tarot Card Meaning

Judgement’s meaning can be a little challenging to interpret, but do not worry! As long as you remember that Judgement predicts an outcome to a situation, you’ll be fine! 

How do you feel about the Judgement Tarot card? Do you find it hard to interpret its meaning? Or, is reading this card easy for you?

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    Judgement Tarot card meaning

    Lisa Boswell Hendry

    I am an award-winning spiritual teacher. Her websites are visited by over 1 million people every single year. Her book, The Modern Oracle, was an Amazon best-seller and was published by Hachette.