I lived in a state of ignorance. I could read Tarot for about 10 years before I realised you could just walk into somewhere like Waterstones or WHSmith and buy books on Tarot. When I was at collage a friend had alerted me to this wonderful fact and I had joyfully skipped down to WHSmith to have a look.
I was very happy the day I had discovered Tarot books in WHSmith. However, I found the books I took out to be very confusing. They all kept banging on about correspondences (which is something I never used) and I just didn’t understand how this fitted in with, not just my Tarot, but my fortune-telling practice in general.
It wasn’t until years later when I began to seriously study Western Palmistry that I realized something; correspondences are to serve as a tool for learning. You can pretty much get a lot of information from studying astrology.
In astrology, the meanings of the planets and zodiac correspond to ancient Greek and Roman myths. It is from mythology that the meanings of the planets and zodiac originate (today we are just going to be looking at planets).
In Western fortune-telling, if you learn the basic meanings of the planets and zodiac, you can quickly learn Tarot card meanings, Palmistry, etc. You can even interpret dreams, crystal ball, tea leaves, and bone readings based on your understanding of planets.
I should note before we begin that the Moon and Sun are viewed as planets in Western Astrology. This is obviously because astrology pre-dates the modern knowledge that they are not planets in the traditional sense.
The Sun
Keywords: life, conscious, identity, success, positivity, fame, victory
Mythology: Apollo
Tarot: The Sun
Palmistry: The Sun Finger, Line of Apollo, Mount of Apollo
Symbolism: laurel wreath, lyre
The zodiac sign the sun lands in at the time of your birth determines your ‘sun sign’ (whether you’re an Aquarius, Gemini, etc.). In this context, the sun represents life, conscious, identity, individuality, and what you’re known for.
Along with the above interpretations, the sun also symbolizes success, recognition, and happiness. The sun is a positive omen and one which pops up time and time again in most forms of divination.
In Tarot, The Sun card predicts everything positive from projects which end well to longed for children being born. In Lenormand divination, the Sun card carries pretty much the same meaning: it is a card of success, good health, and positivity.
In Palmistry, the ring finger is known as The Sun Finger and corresponds with the same meanings as the sun in astrology. The fleshy part of the palm below the ring finger is called the Mount of Apollo. The Mount of Apollo can reflect how successful you will be; a star on this part of the palm predicts fame. Some people have a line going down the palm from The Sun Finger; this line is known as The Line of Apollo. The longer and more distinctive your Line of Apollo is, the more success you will see in your lifetime.
From the myths of Apollo (the sun god), we have the symbols of the laurel wreath and the lyre. In dreams, crystal ball, and tea leaf readings, the laurel wreath, and the lyre are positive symbols that hold the same meaning as the sun. They even pop up in Tarot; on the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot card the Six of Wands, a card which predicts victory, you’ll notice there is a laurel wreath.
The Moon
Keywords: females, subconscious, secrets, infidelity, emotions, reputation, dreaming, creativity
Mythology: Luna (Roman), Selene (Greek)
Tarot: The High Priestess
Palmistry: The Moon Mount
Symbolism: Crab, Water, Ocean, Females
Most cultures personify the moon as female. The reasons for this are obvious; there are 28 days in the average female cycle just as there are 28 days in the moon’s cycle. Therefore, everything traditionally associated with females is linked with the moon, such as feelings, emotions, psychic ability, and the sub-conscious.
In Tarot, The High Priestess card corresponds to the moon; it is a card of psychic ability and emotions. Sounds good, but sometimes this Tarot card can take on a more sinister meaning.
In divination, there is this trend of psychic = secrets. You’ll find that anything which symbolizes occult knowledge or ability can also represent things like secrets and infidelity. The reason for this is because darkness and night are symbols of hidden information which may only be available to a select few. In Tarot, while The High Priestess is a card of intuition, it is also a card of cheating.
In divination, you will find that anything which is linked to the sun, moon, or stars can be interpreted to represent how you are perceived by others; this is because these bodies shine their light on you. The Moon card in Lenormand has the same meaning as the moon in other forms of divination with an added focus of your ‘reputation.’
Obviously, because the moon comes out at night, it is usually linked with other things that happen at night, such as dreaming and creative thoughts.
In Palmistry, the area in the bottom third of your hand, which is in line with your pinkie and ring finger, is known as the Mount of the Moon. This area represents not only your intuition and psychic gifts but also your day-dreaming ability and imagination.
In nature, crabs change shape with the waxing and waning of the moon. The ocean and tides are also affected by the moon. Therefore, in other forms of divination, crabs, water, and the ocean are interpreted in the same way which the moon is. Carbs and water symbolize psychic ability, intuition, females, emotions, and hidden knowledge. In fact, the Mambila people of Nigeria and Cameroon use a method of divination called Nggam, which is fortune-telling by interpreting the movement of crabs.
Keywords: communication, travel, social, networking, knowledge
Mythology: Mercury (Roman), Hermes (Greek)
Tarot: The Magician
Palmistry: The Pinkie, The Mount of Mercury
Symbolism: Wings, Winged Items, Infinity Symbol
Mercury is the planet of communication. Not only does it symbolize the ability to speak, but the ability to do so well in a logical and thought out manner.
In Tarot, Mercury corresponds to The Magician, a card of enterprise and knowledge. The Magician is also a card that is associated with diplomacy. Due to his way with words and his wit, The Magician can be everything from a good showman to a conman. In fact, in mythology, Mercury is the GodGod of thieves. However, although it can have some negative associations, Mercury typically symbolizes communication, social networking, and how you vibe with others.
In Palmistry, the pinkie is known as The Mercury finger. A short Mercury finger means that your communication skills are lacking. A long Mercury finger means you talk too much and obsessed with social media.
In symbolism, there are a couple of things that correspond to Mercury, such as winged items and the infinity symbol. You’ll notice on Tarot cards that The Magician and Strength have infinity symbols above their heads.
Keywords: Love, Desire, Relationships, Beauty, Harmony, Fertility
Goddess: Venus (Roman), Aphrodite (Greek)
Tarot: The Empress
Palmistry: Mount of Venus, Girdle of Venus
Symbolism: Shell, Myrtle, Rose, Swan, Girdle
Probably among the most famous of Greek and Roman Goddesses is Venus/Aphrodite, the Goddess of love. Almost everyone in the Western world knows that she represents romance and relationships.
Lucky for us diviners, the Venus correspondences are the same right across the board. In all forms of divination, anything associated with Venus represents love, fertility, harmony, desire, and relationships. Sometimes, Venus also symbolizes sexuality.
In Palmistry, the Mount of Venus is the fleshy area on the palm below the thumb. The Mount of Venus reflects how well you express emotions and your willingness to give affection to others. Obviously, a large mount will be found on someone with a strong sex drive, and a flat mount can be found on someone who is somewhat sexually disinterested.
Also, in Palmistry, there is a ‘minor’ line that goes along, the top third of the palm known as the Girdle of Venus. Not everyone has this line, and it not generally a desirable feature to have on your palms; it is found on someone who is hypersexual and promiscuous.
In Tarot, Venus appears as The Empress. In the guise of The Empress, Venus’ focus is more so on harmony and fertility in Tarot. The Empress usually predicts pregnancy and children. She is also a card of nature and things working in balance.
In mythology, symbols of Venus are the shell, myrtle, rose, and girdle; these are common love and female sexuality symbols. To dream of one of these symbols, or to see them in a teacup or crystal ball reading, usually predicts the start of a new relationship, the progression of a current one or the birth of a child.
Keywords: Aggression, Will, Anger, Drive, Determination, War
God: Mars (Roman), Aries (Greek)
Tarot: The Tower
Palmistry: Inner Mount of Mars, Outer Mount of Mars, Plain of Mars
Symbolism: Swords, Shield, Spear, Helmet, Boar
Next to Venus, Mars is the planet that most people know how to interpret. Mars is the planet of masculine aggression, war, drive, anger, and determination. Although Mars has several positive attributes, its correspondences are often read quite negativity.
In Tarot, Mars corresponds to the Tower, a card of ruin, destruction, and everything negative. In fact, you will also find much Mars/Ares symbolism in the Sword suit – the suit of trouble, conflict and emotional pain
In symbolism, items of war (Swords, Shields, Spears, and Helmets) correspond to Mars. Dreaming of one of these items can predict future trouble and arguments with those close to you. The boar – which is sacred to Mars/Ares – holds the same meaning.
In Palmistry, the middle third of the hand is assigned to Mars; it reflects your level of aggression. The center of the palm is known as ‘The Plain of Mars,’ the area in-between the thumb and forefinger is called the ‘Inner Mount of Mars,’ and the middle of the outer part of the hand is called the ‘Outer Mount of Mars.’
The Inner Mount of Mars deals with how physically brave you are. A fleshy Inner Mount of Mars means you are quick to use your fits to sort out your problems. A weak Inner Mount of Mars means you cowered away from physical aggression.
An Outer Mount of Mars symbolizes how morally brave you are. A prominent Outer Mount of Mars means you are a bit of a social justice warrior; however, if it is flat, this means you do not stand up for the interests of those less fortunate even if you know you should.
The Plain of Mars, the middle of the palm, represents how self-assured you are. If it appears raised and fatty, you are overconfident to the point of arrogance. However, if your Plain of Mars is flat and bony, this means that you lack belief in yourself, and others walk all over you.
Keywords: Luck, Fortune, Expansion, Leadership, Charity, Confidence
God: Jupiter (Roman), Zeus (Greek)
Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune
Palmistry: The Jupiter Finger, The Mount of Jupiter
Symbolism: Lightning Bolt, Oak, Eagle, Bull
Traditionally, Jupiter is the planet of luck. A well placed Jupiter planet will be found in the chart of someone who is naturally fortunate, whom the Gods have blessed with the good things in life. That’s not to say they don’t have to work for it; it simply means that the universe will give them a little nudge in the right direction.
In Tarot, the planet Jupiter corresponds to The Wheel of Fortune. Like Jupiter, The Wheel of Fortune predicts luck and also what is destined, fated, and made easier with the help of the divine.
Named after the King of the Gods, Jupiter is obviously a planet of power, authority, and leadership. In Palmistry, the index finger is known as The Jupiter Finger. The fleshy part of the palm just under your index finger is called The Mount of Jupiter. Both these areas of your hand symbolize how confident you are and how much you crave a position of authority. A dominate Mount of Jupiter and Finger will be found on someone who likes to be in charge.
In symbolic forms of divination (tea leaves, dreams, crystal ball reading), the lightning bolt, oak tree, eagle, and bull all have a similar meaning to Jupiter because these are the symbols of Jupiter/Zeus. The lightning bolt is a particularly powerful symbol; it not only represents authority but also the approval of the Gods.
Keywords: Authority, Responsibility, Limitations, Restrictions, Time
Gods: Saturn (Roman), Cronus (Greek)
Tarot: The World
Palmistry: The Saturn Finger, The Mount of Saturn
Symbolism: Scythe, Sickle, Grain, Watch, Hour Glass
In Greek mythology, Cronus was, at one point, the King of the Gods. One day, he learned of a prophecy which predicted that he would be overthrown by one of his offspring, so when his wife, Rhea, gave birth, he swallowed his children. However, when Rhea birthed Zeus, she hid him from Cronus in order to save his life. When he came of age, the prophecy was fulfilled, and Zeus imprisoned his father in the underworld.
Saturn symbolizes authority and your sense of responsibility and duty. Like the story of myth, Saturn represents the things you have to do, which are necessary but which you do not feel like: Cronus had to cannibalize his children, Rhea had to betray her husband, Zeus had to imprison his father.
Astrologers speak of the ‘Saturn Return’ – a time when you question if you’re really happy. Saturn will make you assess if you’re truly content and where you want to be in life. Saturn highlights where you feel like you are lacking or where you feel like you have a responsibility you do not want. The Saturn Return is the point you realize you are now an adult.
In Tarot, The World corresponds to Saturn. This is probably because The World, like the Saturn Return, represents a major change. The World is when you start one phase of your life and leave the old one behind.
In Palmistry, the middle finger and the fleshy part below it are known as The Mount of Saturn and The Saturn Finger. These symbolize your sense of responsibility. If your middle finger is overly long, it means that you take on responsibilities that are not yours and which you do not want. If your middle finger is short, it means that you run away from your responsibilities and have trouble committing to anything.
In fortune-telling, the scythe and sickle are symbols of Saturn. Oddly, these symbols are commonly associated with death, new beginnings, and change.
Grain, watches, and hourglasses are also symbols of Saturn. To dream about one of these things can represent success in business but also reflect your level of responsibility: sometimes, they can warn that a window of opportunity is closing.
Keywords: Originality, Technology, Change, Individuality
Gods: Uranus (Greek), Caelus (Roman)
Tarot: The Fool
Palmistry: -
Symbolism: The Sky
Uranus is a sky God, a Titan which pre-dates the Olympian Gods. Uranus is the personification of the sky. Unlike many other Gods and Goddesses, the worship of Uranus/Caelus was not as extensive as the Olympians such as Zeus or Aphrodite. Therefore, the symbolism for Uranus is not as detailed as that of the so-called ‘inner’ planets of Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter.
Uranus was only discovered in 1781, long after the establishment of traditional fortune-telling forms such as Astrology and Palmistry. Therefore, there are no Palmistry correspondences for Uranus.
However, because Uranus was the first of the ‘outer’ planets to be discovered, it is associated with originality, new technology, change, and individuality. Uranus is the planet which heralds in the beginning of the industrial revolution and age of tech.
In Tarot, The Fool corresponds to Uranus. The Fool of a very ‘airy-fairy’ up in the atmosphere card, which is often pulled for people who aren’t easy to pin down. The Fool advises seekers to take the leap and make major changes to their lives without giving a second thought.
In mythology, Uranus was said to despise the children he made with his Gaia: this is typical of all Uranus symbolism. Uranus doesn’t like to hold too much responsibility and needs to do his own thing. In fact, in Tarot, The Fool can predict that you do not want to be chained to anything long-term.
In symbolism, Uranus is associated with the sky, air, and atmosphere. Dreaming of the sky can represent originality and can predict that you will be recognized for being different.
Keywords: Spirituality, Intuition, Dreams, Confusion
Gods: Neptune (Roman), Poseidon (Greek)
Tarot: The Hanged Man
Palmistry: Bracelets of Neptune
Symbolism: Tridents, Dolphins
Neptune is the planet of spirituality, intuition, and dreams. A well placed Neptune will be found on someone will intense psychic ability and the power of prophecy. However, sometimes, Neptune can symbolize a need for clarity; a badly placed Neptune can predict that you will grow to be someone who struggles to make decisions and never feels like you have all of the facts.
In Tarot, Neptune corresponds to The Hanged Man. Like Neptune, The Hanged Man can represent a spiritual awakening, but it typically symbolizes a time when you feel like you’re unsure of your direction. It is common for Neptune to represent confusion.
Neptune was only discovered in 1846, but there is a ‘Neptune’ feature in Palmistry. In Palmistry, the lines which go around the wrist are sometimes called The Bracelets of Neptune (sometimes known as The Bracelets of Fortune). They represent not only how lucky you are, but also your level of clarity.
In symbolism, the trident and dolphin are associated with Neptune and Poseidon. In fact, to have a Palmistry line end in a trident predicts great achievements in that area. To dream about a dolphin or see one in a teacup or crystal ball predicts a massive increase in paranormal powers and the ability to work with sea magic.
Keywords: Rebirth, Renewal, Change, Transformation
Gods: Pluto (Roman), Hades (Greek)
Tarot: Judgement
Palmistry: -
Symbolism: Key, Multi-headed animals, Scepter, Pomegranate
Like the other outer planets, Pluto was discovered relatively recently in 1930. This was long after the establishment of traditional fortune-telling forms such as Astrology and Palmistry. Therefore, there are no Palmistry correspondences for Pluto.
Pluto is the planet of rebirth, renewal, and transformation. No surprise there, as it is the planet of Pluto/Hades, the God of death and the underworld. Often, death is associated with major change and new beginnings.
In Tarot, the Judgement card is ruled by Pluto. This is a good fit because Judgement has a similar meaning to Pluto: it is the card of transformation and life-changing opportunities that are not for the faint-hearted.
As it represents death, there are many symbols that correspond to Pluto. These symbols (including multi-headed animals) symbolize renewal and change. However, the symbol which is most used – and one you will see most frequently in dreams and crystal balls – is that of the pomegranate.
In Greek mythology, Hades took a fancy to Persephone and had her abducted from Earth and brought to the underworld. Eventually, she was rescued. However, because she had consumed the seeds of the pomegranate, she could not leave the underworld 100% of the time. For one-third of the year, Persephone must return to the Hades, and this causes the world to plunge into darkness (the winter months). Therefore, pomegranates are symbols of death, winter, and the underworld.
That’s it for Tarot correspondences! Feel free to download my free Spiritual 101 Guide here:
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A chart showing the planets in astrology and what their meanings are. This poster illustration shows the different planets and what they mean for divination. You can apply this to your life, relationships, career and life in general. Art features the fortune telling meanings for The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and Uranus.
Poster: The astrology correspondences for the planets. This chart is an illustration of what each planet means in Tarot, palmistry and dream meanings, crystal ball reading and gypsy fortune telling tea cup reading taken from the mythology of their gods and goddess. If you’re wanting to learn divination then one way to do so is by learning the meaning of the planets and zodiac. Here, we cover The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and Uranus.