Which Tarot cards predict pregnancy? Are there any Tarot cards which can represent that you are pregnancy, or indicate that there will be children and babies in your future? Just like love and marriage readings, pregnancy readings are very frequent occurrences, so this is a subject which I am going to cover today.
Before I begin listing the Tarot cards which can indicate pregnancy, I should point out that Tarot readings are no substitute for pregnancy tests! If you are dying to know whether you really are or aren’t expecting a baby, you’re best knowing for sure by taking a test.
That being said, I have personally seen cases where the cards have predicted that my friends were pregnant weeks before it showed up positive on a pregnancy test. Therefore, always record your Tarot readings for future reference so that you can create your own list of ‘pregnancy’ Tarot cards.
There are some Tarot cards which can predict conception, especially if they appear in combination. However, remember that Tarot readings are no substitute for pregnancy tests!
So, here is my list of Tarot cards which predict pregnancy in my readings; yours may be the same!
The Empress
Of all Tarot cards which indicate pregnancy, The Empress is clearly the most prominent one. The fact that The Empress’ main meaning is that of pregnancy, fertility, and childbirth makes it an obvious pregnancy card.
Sometimes, The Empress card can represent a want to have a baby, so if you’re wanting to be pregnant, this desire can manifest as The Empress. It is best if you have The Empress, plus the other cards listed below to confirm a positive pregnancy outcome.
The Sun
If you have wanted a child but have had trouble conceiving, then The Sun is a positive omen. I often read The Sun card as representing children which you have always wanted to have but never been able to coming into your life.
I usually see The Sun when women have had some type of help with conception. For example, fertility treatment or a change of lifestyle. That’s not to say that you will need to go through these things in order to have a child BUT it does mean that, if you have, The Sun is a good sign.
Ace of Wands
Traditionally, Aces are good indicators of pregnancy. Aces symbolize the ‘seeds’ of conception and The Ace of Wands falls into this camp. I wouldn’t always predict that the Ace of Wands alone represents pregnancy, but if you pull it by itself or it appears with other pregnancy cards, then it does.
If you’re hoping for a boy you’re in luck! The Ace of Wands is a phallic symbol and often signals the birth of a male. So, if you get a positive pregnancy test, chances are you’re carrying a boy.
Ace of Cups
While the Ace of Wands predicts the birth of a male, the Ace of Cups predicts the birth of a female. The Ace of Cups is symbolic of the womb, hence why it can represent girls. Not only that, but because The Ace of Cups often represents new love and emotions, this interpretations also makes it a good candidate for pregnancy and child birth.
Also, in general The Ace of Cups is a card which symbolizes a time of increased fertility. Because it is a fertility card, it is a good omen for pregnancy whether it appears in the future, outcome, or present positions.
Page of Cups
Finally, the Page of Cups is another traditional pregnancy, fertility and childbirth card so it makes the list for the Tarot cards which predict you are pregnancy positive. While all Pages can technically represent children, the Page of Cups is especially associated with them for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, the Cups suit are most likely to be indicative of pregnancy because Cups are the suit of love and family. This teamed with the fact that Pages can be children is why, of all Pages, the Page of Cups is most likely to predict pregnancy.
Also, it is common for Court cards to represent the emotions of the seeker. The Page of Cups can symbolize a time where you are emotional, needy, clingy and cry a lot. Therefore, if the Page of Cups appears in the future, it can mean that you will be emotionally all over the place (and pregnant) or it can symbolize your future children.
Of course, it is difficult for some people to be able to tell the difference between whether Court cards represent people, a situation, emotions, your lover, or another person. Interpreting Court cards (and not just memorizing their meanings) is one thing which separates beginners from more advanced readers. Therefore, your ability to interpret Court cards will influence whether or not The Page of Cups represents pregnancy.
Ace of Swords
I interpret the Ace of Swords as indicative of surgery, needles and hospital visits. I often see the Ace of Swords in readings where the seeker cannot have a natural birth and has to have a caesarean section. Therefore, if you fall into this category and receive the Ace of Swords in the future, this can mean that you are pregnant now.
The Ace of Swords is a classic example of a Tarot card which can have many meanings, so can sometimes for some readers predict pregnancy (but not always!). This is one of the reasons why you should record your readings if you’re trying for a baby; this way, you can see which cards predict pregnancy for yourself.
Tarot Tip: If you’re trying for a baby, record your readings. This way, when you conceive you can see which cards symbolise pregnancy for you.
Three of Cups
The Three of Cups can represent pregnancy for several reasons. Firstly, because it is a card of parties and celebrations, it can predict pregnancy. The Three of Cups might represent your baby shower, birthing celebrations, baptisms, naming ceremony or child’s first birthday.
Secondly, the Three of Cups often predicts the addition of another person to your partnership. Where you and your lover were two during the stage of The Two of Cups, the Three of Cups symbolizes you both evolving into a group of three; this is how the Three of Cups is a good pregnancy card.
Six of Cups
Finally, another card which can predict pregnancy is the Six of Cups. I read the Six of Cups as a card which predicts pregnancy because I have found that, when it appears in an outcome or future position, it is very likely to represent babies and children. Obviously, if there are children in your future there is an increased likelihood that there is a pregnancy in your present!
One of the reasons why I read the Six of Cups as representing pregnancy, is because there are children on the Rider Waite Smith version of this Tarot card. If you like to read the imagery of your cards, then the children on the Six of Cups (and other cards such as The Sun) are a resounding ‘yes’ if you’re asking about being pregnant.
In addition, the Six of Cups is a card of the past; it speaks of a time when you will be looking back on your childhood. When people get pregnant or have children, it is very common for them to reminisce about their own upbringing. You will begin to examine patterns and behaviours which you have picked up from your parents. It is for these reasons that I read the Six of Cups as a pregnancy Tarot card.
So, that’s it for the Tarot cards which predict pregnancy and childbirth! Below, you can join my newsletter and grab a free Spiritual 101 Guide in the process. Get yours here:
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Art Illustration: Which Tarot cards predict pregnancy? Are there any Tarot cards which can represent that you are pregnancy, or indicate that there will be children and babies in your future? Just like love and marriage readings, pregnancy readings are very frequent occurrences, so this is a subject which I am going to cover today.